File: active_support/core_ext/time/calculations.rb

Module Structure


Module Structure

  module: <Toplevel Module>
  module: ActiveSupport#3
  module: CoreExtensions#4
  module: Time#5
  module: Calculations#7
has properties
module method: included / 1 #8
method: past? #63
method: today? #68
method: future? #73
method: seconds_since_midnight #78
method: change / 1 #85
method: advance / 1 #102
method: ago / 1 #120
method: since / 1 #126
alias: in since #138
method: months_ago / 1 #141
method: months_since / 1 #146
method: years_ago / 1 #151
method: years_since / 1 #156
method: last_year #160
method: prev_year #166
method: next_year #171
method: last_month #175
method: prev_month #181
method: next_month #186
method: beginning_of_week #191
alias: monday beginning_of_week #195
alias: at_beginning_of_week beginning_of_week #196
method: end_of_week #199
alias: at_end_of_week end_of_week #203
method: next_week / 1 #206
method: beginning_of_day #212
alias: midnight beginning_of_day #216
alias: at_midnight beginning_of_day #217
alias: at_beginning_of_day beginning_of_day #218
method: end_of_day #221
method: beginning_of_month #226
alias: at_beginning_of_month beginning_of_month #230
method: end_of_month #233
alias: at_end_of_month end_of_month #238
method: beginning_of_quarter #241
alias: at_beginning_of_quarter beginning_of_quarter #244
method: end_of_quarter #247
alias: at_end_of_quarter end_of_quarter #250
method: beginning_of_year #253
alias: at_beginning_of_year beginning_of_year #256
method: end_of_year #259
alias: at_end_of_year end_of_year #262
method: yesterday #265
method: tomorrow #270
method: plus_with_duration / 1 #274
method: minus_with_duration / 1 #282
method: minus_with_coercion / 1 #293
method: compare_with_coercion / 1 #300
  module: ClassMethods#28
has properties
method: === / 1 #30
method: days_in_month / 2 #36
method: time_with_datetime_fallback / 8 #44
method: utc_time / 1 #52
method: local_time / 1 #57


   1  require 'active_support/duration'
   3  module ActiveSupport #:nodoc:
   4    module CoreExtensions #:nodoc:
   5      module Time #:nodoc:
   6        # Enables the use of time calculations within Time itself
   7        module Calculations
   8          def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
   9            base.extend ClassMethods
  11            base.class_eval do
  12              alias_method :plus_without_duration, :+
  13              alias_method :+, :plus_with_duration
  15              alias_method :minus_without_duration, :-
  16              alias_method :-, :minus_with_duration
  18              alias_method :minus_without_coercion, :-
  19              alias_method :-, :minus_with_coercion
  21              alias_method :compare_without_coercion, :<=>
  22              alias_method :<=>, :compare_with_coercion
  23            end
  24          end
  26          COMMON_YEAR_DAYS_IN_MONTH = [nil, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
  28          module ClassMethods
  29            # Overriding case equality method so that it returns true for ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances
  30            def ===(other)
  31              other.is_a?(::Time)
  32            end
  34            # Return the number of days in the given month.
  35            # If no year is specified, it will use the current year.
  36            def days_in_month(month, year = now.year)
  37              return 29 if month == 2 && ::Date.gregorian_leap?(year)
  38              COMMON_YEAR_DAYS_IN_MONTH[month]
  39            end
  41            # Returns a new Time if requested year can be accommodated by Ruby's Time class
  42            # (i.e., if year is within either 1970..2038 or 1902..2038, depending on system architecture);
  43            # otherwise returns a DateTime
  44            def time_with_datetime_fallback(utc_or_local, year, month=1, day=1, hour=0, min=0, sec=0, usec=0)
  45              ::Time.send(utc_or_local, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, usec)
  46            rescue
  47              offset = utc_or_local.to_sym == :local ? ::DateTime.local_offset : 0
  48              ::DateTime.civil(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, offset)
  49            end
  51            # Wraps class method +time_with_datetime_fallback+ with +utc_or_local+ set to <tt>:utc</tt>.
  52            def utc_time(*args)
  53              time_with_datetime_fallback(:utc, *args)
  54            end
  56            # Wraps class method +time_with_datetime_fallback+ with +utc_or_local+ set to <tt>:local</tt>.
  57            def local_time(*args)
  58              time_with_datetime_fallback(:local, *args)
  59            end
  60          end
  62          # Tells whether the Time object's time lies in the past
  63          def past?
  64            self < ::Time.current
  65          end
  67          # Tells whether the Time object's time is today
  68          def today?
  69            self.to_date == ::Date.current
  70          end
  72          # Tells whether the Time object's time lies in the future
  73          def future?
  74            self > ::Time.current
  75          end
  77          # Seconds since midnight:
  78          def seconds_since_midnight
  79            self.to_i - self.change(:hour => 0).to_i + (self.usec/1.0e+6)
  80          end
  82          # Returns a new Time where one or more of the elements have been changed according to the +options+ parameter. The time options
  83          # (hour, minute, sec, usec) reset cascadingly, so if only the hour is passed, then minute, sec, and usec is set to 0. If the hour and
  84          # minute is passed, then sec and usec is set to 0.
  85          def change(options)
  86            ::Time.send(
  87              self.utc? ? :utc_time : :local_time,
  88              options[:year]  || self.year,
  89              options[:month] || self.month,
  90              options[:day]   ||,
  91              options[:hour]  || self.hour,
  92              options[:min]   || (options[:hour] ? 0 : self.min),
  93              options[:sec]   || ((options[:hour] || options[:min]) ? 0 : self.sec),
  94              options[:usec]  || ((options[:hour] || options[:min] || options[:sec]) ? 0 : self.usec)
  95            )
  96          end
  98          # Uses Date to provide precise Time calculations for years, months, and days.
  99          # The +options+ parameter takes a hash with any of these keys: <tt>:years</tt>,
 100          # <tt>:months</tt>, <tt>:weeks</tt>, <tt>:days</tt>, <tt>:hours</tt>,
 101          # <tt>:minutes</tt>, <tt>:seconds</tt>.
 102          def advance(options)
 103            unless options[:weeks].nil?
 104              options[:weeks], partial_weeks = options[:weeks].divmod(1)
 105              options[:days] = (options[:days] || 0) + 7 * partial_weeks
 106            end
 108            unless options[:days].nil?
 109              options[:days], partial_days = options[:days].divmod(1)
 110              options[:hours] = (options[:hours] || 0) + 24 * partial_days
 111            end
 113            d = to_date.advance(options)
 114            time_advanced_by_date = change(:year => d.year, :month => d.month, :day =>
 115            seconds_to_advance = (options[:seconds] || 0) + (options[:minutes] || 0) * 60 + (options[:hours] || 0) * 3600
 116            seconds_to_advance == 0 ? time_advanced_by_date : time_advanced_by_date.since(seconds_to_advance)
 117          end
 119          # Returns a new Time representing the time a number of seconds ago, this is basically a wrapper around the Numeric extension
 120          def ago(seconds)
 121            self.since(-seconds)
 122          end
 124          # Returns a new Time representing the time a number of seconds since the instance time, this is basically a wrapper around
 125          # the Numeric extension.
 126          def since(seconds)
 127            f = seconds.since(self)
 128            if ActiveSupport::Duration === seconds
 129              f
 130            else
 131              initial_dst = self.dst? ? 1 : 0
 132              final_dst   = f.dst? ? 1 : 0
 133              (seconds.abs >= 86400 && initial_dst != final_dst) ? f + (initial_dst - final_dst).hours : f
 134            end
 135          rescue
 136            self.to_datetime.since(seconds)
 137          end
 138          alias :in :since
 140          # Returns a new Time representing the time a number of specified months ago
 141          def months_ago(months)
 142            advance(:months => -months)
 143          end
 145          # Returns a new Time representing the time a number of specified months in the future
 146          def months_since(months)
 147            advance(:months => months)
 148          end
 150          # Returns a new Time representing the time a number of specified years ago
 151          def years_ago(years)
 152            advance(:years => -years)
 153          end
 155          # Returns a new Time representing the time a number of specified years in the future
 156          def years_since(years)
 157            advance(:years => years)
 158          end
 160          def last_year # :nodoc:
 161            ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("Time#last_year is deprecated and has been removed in Rails 3, please use Time#prev_year instead", caller)
 162            prev_year
 163          end
 165          # Short-hand for years_ago(1)
 166          def prev_year
 167            years_ago(1)
 168          end
 170          # Short-hand for years_since(1)
 171          def next_year
 172            years_since(1)
 173          end
 175          def last_month # :nodoc:
 176            ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("Time#last_month is deprecated and has been removed in Rails 3, please use Time#prev_month instead", caller)
 177            prev_month
 178          end
 180          # Short-hand for months_ago(1)
 181          def prev_month
 182            months_ago(1)
 183          end
 185          # Short-hand for months_since(1)
 186          def next_month
 187            months_since(1)
 188          end
 190          # Returns a new Time representing the "start" of this week (Monday, 0:00)
 191          def beginning_of_week
 192            days_to_monday = self.wday!=0 ? self.wday-1 : 6
 193            (self - days_to_monday.days).midnight
 194          end
 195          alias :monday :beginning_of_week
 196          alias :at_beginning_of_week :beginning_of_week
 198          # Returns a new Time representing the end of this week (Sunday, 23:59:59)
 199          def end_of_week
 200            days_to_sunday = self.wday!=0 ? 7-self.wday : 0
 201            (self + days_to_sunday.days).end_of_day
 202          end
 203          alias :at_end_of_week :end_of_week
 205          # Returns a new Time representing the start of the given day in next week (default is Monday).
 206          def next_week(day = :monday)
 207            days_into_week = { :monday => 0, :tuesday => 1, :wednesday => 2, :thursday => 3, :friday => 4, :saturday => 5, :sunday => 6}
 208            since(1.week).beginning_of_week.since(days_into_week[day].day).change(:hour => 0)
 209          end
 211          # Returns a new Time representing the start of the day (0:00)
 212          def beginning_of_day
 213            #(self - seconds_since_midnight).change(:usec => 0)
 214            change(:hour => 0, :min => 0, :sec => 0, :usec => 0)
 215          end
 216          alias :midnight :beginning_of_day
 217          alias :at_midnight :beginning_of_day
 218          alias :at_beginning_of_day :beginning_of_day
 220          # Returns a new Time representing the end of the day, 23:59:59.999999 (.999999999 in ruby1.9)
 221          def end_of_day
 222            change(:hour => 23, :min => 59, :sec => 59, :usec => 999999.999)
 223          end
 225          # Returns a new Time representing the start of the month (1st of the month, 0:00)
 226          def beginning_of_month
 227            #self - ((self.mday-1).days + self.seconds_since_midnight)
 228            change(:day => 1,:hour => 0, :min => 0, :sec => 0, :usec => 0)
 229          end
 230          alias :at_beginning_of_month :beginning_of_month
 232          # Returns a new Time representing the end of the month (end of the last day of the month)
 233          def end_of_month
 234            #self - ((self.mday-1).days + self.seconds_since_midnight)
 235            last_day = ::Time.days_in_month( self.month, self.year )
 236            change(:day => last_day, :hour => 23, :min => 59, :sec => 59, :usec => 999999.999)
 237          end
 238          alias :at_end_of_month :end_of_month
 240          # Returns  a new Time representing the start of the quarter (1st of january, april, july, october, 0:00)
 241          def beginning_of_quarter
 242            beginning_of_month.change(:month => [10, 7, 4, 1].detect { |m| m <= self.month })
 243          end
 244          alias :at_beginning_of_quarter :beginning_of_quarter
 246          # Returns a new Time representing the end of the quarter (end of the last day of march, june, september, december)
 247          def end_of_quarter
 248            beginning_of_month.change(:month => [3, 6, 9, 12].detect { |m| m >= self.month }).end_of_month
 249          end
 250          alias :at_end_of_quarter :end_of_quarter
 252          # Returns  a new Time representing the start of the year (1st of january, 0:00)
 253          def beginning_of_year
 254            change(:month => 1,:day => 1,:hour => 0, :min => 0, :sec => 0, :usec => 0)
 255          end
 256          alias :at_beginning_of_year :beginning_of_year
 258          # Returns a new Time representing the end of the year (end of the 31st of december)
 259          def end_of_year
 260            change(:month => 12, :day => 31, :hour => 23, :min => 59, :sec => 59, :usec => 999999.999)
 261          end
 262          alias :at_end_of_year :end_of_year
 264          # Convenience method which returns a new Time representing the time 1 day ago
 265          def yesterday
 266            advance(:days => -1)
 267          end
 269          # Convenience method which returns a new Time representing the time 1 day since the instance time
 270          def tomorrow
 271            advance(:days => 1)
 272          end
 274          def plus_with_duration(other) #:nodoc:
 275            if ActiveSupport::Duration === other
 276              other.since(self)
 277            else
 278              plus_without_duration(other)
 279            end
 280          end
 282          def minus_with_duration(other) #:nodoc:
 283            if ActiveSupport::Duration === other
 284              other.until(self)
 285            else
 286              minus_without_duration(other)
 287            end
 288          end
 290          # Time#- can also be used to determine the number of seconds between two Time instances.
 291          # We're layering on additional behavior so that ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances
 292          # are coerced into values that Time#- will recognize
 293          def minus_with_coercion(other)
 294            other = other.comparable_time if other.respond_to?(:comparable_time)
 295            other.is_a?(::DateTime) ? to_f - other.to_f : minus_without_coercion(other)
 296          end
 298          # Layers additional behavior on Time#<=> so that DateTime and ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone instances
 299          # can be chronologically compared with a Time
 300          def compare_with_coercion(other)
 301            # if other is an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, coerce a Time instance from it so we can do <=> comparison
 302            other = other.comparable_time if other.respond_to?(:comparable_time)
 303            if other.acts_like?(:date)
 304              # other is a Date/DateTime, so coerce self #to_datetime and hand off to DateTime#<=>
 305              to_datetime.compare_without_coercion(other)
 306            else
 307              compare_without_coercion(other)
 308            end
 309          end
 310        end
 311      end
 312    end
 313  end