File: active_support/multibyte/chars.rb

Module Structure
Class Hierarchy


Module Structure

  module: <Toplevel Module>
  module: ActiveSupport#3
  module: Multibyte#4
  class: Chars#34
  Comparable ( Builtin-Module )
inherits from
  Object ( Builtin-Module )
has properties
constant: HANGUL_SBASE #36
constant: HANGUL_LBASE #37
constant: HANGUL_VBASE #38
constant: HANGUL_TBASE #39
constant: HANGUL_LCOUNT #40
constant: HANGUL_VCOUNT #41
constant: HANGUL_TCOUNT #42
constant: HANGUL_NCOUNT #43
constant: HANGUL_SCOUNT #44
constant: HANGUL_SLAST #45
constant: HANGUL_JAMO_FIRST #46
constant: HANGUL_JAMO_LAST #47
class method: codepoints_to_pattern / 1 #70
constant: UTF8_PAT #76
attribute: wrapped_string [R] #78
alias: to_s wrapped_string #79
alias: to_str wrapped_string #80
method: initialize (1/2) / 1 #84
method: initialize (2/E) / 1 #89
method: method_missing / 3 #95
method: respond_to? / 2 #107
method: acts_like_string? #112
class method: wants? / 1 #118
class method: consumes? / 1 #123
method: <=> / 1 #139
method: + / 1 #147
method: =~ / 1 #155
method: split / 1 #164
method: insert / 2 #172
method: include? / 1 #188
method: index / 2 #198
method: rindex / 2 #211
method: []= / 1 #231
method: rjust / 2 #267
method: ljust / 2 #280
method: center / 2 #293
method: rstrip #298
method: lstrip #303
method: strip #308
method: size #313
method: reverse #322
method: slice / 1 #331
method: slice! / 1 #359
method: ord #369
method: upcase #377
method: downcase #385
method: capitalize #393
method: normalize / 1 #404
method: decompose #426
method: compose #435
method: g_length #444
method: tidy_bytes (1/2) #449
class method: u_unpack / 1 #471
class method: in_char_class? / 2 #484
class method: g_unpack / 1 #493
class method: g_pack / 1 #527
class method: padding / 2 #531
class method: reorder_characters / 1 #540
class method: decompose_codepoints / 2 #556
class method: compose_codepoints / 1 #577
class method: tidy_bytes (2/E) / 1 #636
class method: translate_offset / 1 #654
class method: justify / 3 #674
class method: apply_mapping / 1 #691
class method: chars / 1 #702

Class Hierarchy


   1  # encoding: utf-8
   3  module ActiveSupport #:nodoc:
   4    module Multibyte #:nodoc:
   5      # Chars enables you to work transparently with UTF-8 encoding in the Ruby String class without having extensive
   6      # knowledge about the encoding. A Chars object accepts a string upon initialization and proxies String methods in an
   7      # encoding safe manner. All the normal String methods are also implemented on the proxy.
   8      #
   9      # String methods are proxied through the Chars object, and can be accessed through the +mb_chars+ method. Methods
  10      # which would normally return a String object now return a Chars object so methods can be chained.
  11      #
  12      #   "The Perfect String  ".mb_chars.downcase.strip.normalize #=> "the perfect string"
  13      #
  14      # Chars objects are perfectly interchangeable with String objects as long as no explicit class checks are made.
  15      # If certain methods do explicitly check the class, call +to_s+ before you pass chars objects to them.
  16      #
  17      #   bad.explicit_checking_method "T".mb_chars.downcase.to_s
  18      #
  19      # The default Chars implementation assumes that the encoding of the string is UTF-8, if you want to handle different
  20      # encodings you can write your own multibyte string handler and configure it through 
  21      # ActiveSupport::Multibyte.proxy_class.
  22      #
  23      #   class CharsForUTF32
  24      #     def size
  25      #       @wrapped_string.size / 4
  26      #     end
  27      #
  28      #     def self.accepts?(string)
  29      #       string.length % 4 == 0
  30      #     end
  31      #   end
  32      #
  33      #   ActiveSupport::Multibyte.proxy_class = CharsForUTF32
  34      class Chars
  35        # Hangul character boundaries and properties
  36        HANGUL_SBASE = 0xAC00
  37        HANGUL_LBASE = 0x1100
  38        HANGUL_VBASE = 0x1161
  39        HANGUL_TBASE = 0x11A7
  40        HANGUL_LCOUNT = 19
  41        HANGUL_VCOUNT = 21
  42        HANGUL_TCOUNT = 28
  44        HANGUL_SCOUNT = 11172
  46        HANGUL_JAMO_FIRST = 0x1100
  47        HANGUL_JAMO_LAST = 0x11FF
  49        # All the unicode whitespace
  50        UNICODE_WHITESPACE = [
  51          (0x0009..0x000D).to_a, # White_Space # Cc   [5] <control-0009>..<control-000D>
  52          0x0020,                # White_Space # Zs       SPACE
  53          0x0085,                # White_Space # Cc       <control-0085>
  54          0x00A0,                # White_Space # Zs       NO-BREAK SPACE
  55          0x1680,                # White_Space # Zs       OGHAM SPACE MARK
  56          0x180E,                # White_Space # Zs       MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR
  57          (0x2000..0x200A).to_a, # White_Space # Zs  [11] EN QUAD..HAIR SPACE
  58          0x2028,                # White_Space # Zl       LINE SEPARATOR
  59          0x2029,                # White_Space # Zp       PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR
  60          0x202F,                # White_Space # Zs       NARROW NO-BREAK SPACE
  61          0x205F,                # White_Space # Zs       MEDIUM MATHEMATICAL SPACE
  62          0x3000,                # White_Space # Zs       IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
  63        ].flatten.freeze
  65        # BOM (byte order mark) can also be seen as whitespace, it's a non-rendering character used to distinguish
  66        # between little and big endian. This is not an issue in utf-8, so it must be ignored.
  69        # Returns a regular expression pattern that matches the passed Unicode codepoints
  70        def self.codepoints_to_pattern(array_of_codepoints) #:nodoc:
  71          array_of_codepoints.collect{ |e| [e].pack 'U*' }.join('|')
  72        end
  73        UNICODE_TRAILERS_PAT = /(#{codepoints_to_pattern(UNICODE_LEADERS_AND_TRAILERS)})+\Z/
  74        UNICODE_LEADERS_PAT = /\A(#{codepoints_to_pattern(UNICODE_LEADERS_AND_TRAILERS)})+/
  76        UTF8_PAT = ActiveSupport::Multibyte::VALID_CHARACTER['UTF-8']
  78        attr_reader :wrapped_string
  79        alias to_s wrapped_string
  80        alias to_str wrapped_string
  82        if '1.9'.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
  83          # Creates a new Chars instance by wrapping _string_.
  84          def initialize(string)
  85            @wrapped_string = string
  86            @wrapped_string.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) unless @wrapped_string.frozen?
  87          end
  88        else
  89          def initialize(string) #:nodoc:
  90            @wrapped_string = string
  91          end
  92        end
  94        # Forward all undefined methods to the wrapped string.
  95        def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
  96          if method.to_s =~ /!$/
  97            @wrapped_string.__send__(method, *args, &block)
  98            self
  99          else
 100            result = @wrapped_string.__send__(method, *args, &block)
 101            result.kind_of?(String) ? chars(result) : result
 102          end
 103        end
 105        # Returns +true+ if _obj_ responds to the given method. Private methods are included in the search
 106        # only if the optional second parameter evaluates to +true+.
 107        def respond_to?(method, include_private=false)
 108          super || @wrapped_string.respond_to?(method, include_private) || false
 109        end
 111        # Enable more predictable duck-typing on String-like classes. See Object#acts_like?.
 112        def acts_like_string?
 113          true
 114        end
 116        # Returns +true+ if the Chars class can and should act as a proxy for the string _string_. Returns
 117        # +false+ otherwise.
 118        def self.wants?(string)
 119          $KCODE == 'UTF8' && consumes?(string)
 120        end
 122        # Returns +true+ when the proxy class can handle the string. Returns +false+ otherwise.
 123        def self.consumes?(string)
 124          # Unpack is a little bit faster than regular expressions.
 125          string.unpack('U*')
 126          true
 127        rescue ArgumentError
 128          false
 129        end
 131        include Comparable
 133        # Returns <tt>-1</tt>, <tt>0</tt> or <tt>+1</tt> depending on whether the Chars object is to be sorted before,
 134        # equal or after the object on the right side of the operation. It accepts any object that implements +to_s+.
 135        # See <tt>String#<=></tt> for more details.
 136        #
 137        # Example:
 138        #   'é'.mb_chars <=> 'ü'.mb_chars #=> -1
 139        def <=>(other)
 140          @wrapped_string <=> other.to_s
 141        end
 143        # Returns a new Chars object containing the _other_ object concatenated to the string.
 144        #
 145        # Example:
 146        #   ('Café'.mb_chars + ' périferôl').to_s #=> "Café périferôl"
 147        def +(other)
 148          self << other
 149        end
 151        # Like <tt>String#=~</tt> only it returns the character offset (in codepoints) instead of the byte offset.
 152        #
 153        # Example:
 154        #   'Café périferôl'.mb_chars =~ /ô/ #=> 12
 155        def =~(other)
 156          translate_offset(@wrapped_string =~ other)
 157        end
 159        # Works just like <tt>String#split</tt>, with the exception that the items in the resulting list are Chars
 160        # instances instead of String. This makes chaining methods easier.
 161        #
 162        # Example:
 163        #   'Café périferôl'.mb_chars.split(/é/).map { |part| part.upcase.to_s } #=> ["CAF", " P", "RIFERÔL"]
 164        def split(*args)
 165          @wrapped_string.split(*args).map { |i| i.mb_chars }
 166        end
 168        # Inserts the passed string at specified codepoint offsets.
 169        #
 170        # Example:
 171        #   'Café'.mb_chars.insert(4, ' périferôl').to_s #=> "Café périferôl"
 172        def insert(offset, fragment)
 173          unpacked = self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string)
 174          unless offset > unpacked.length
 175            @wrapped_string.replace(
 176              self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string).insert(offset, *self.class.u_unpack(fragment)).pack('U*')
 177            )
 178          else
 179            raise IndexError, "index #{offset} out of string"
 180          end
 181          self
 182        end
 184        # Returns +true+ if contained string contains _other_. Returns +false+ otherwise.
 185        #
 186        # Example:
 187        #   'Café'.mb_chars.include?('é') #=> true
 188        def include?(other)
 189          # We have to redefine this method because Enumerable defines it.
 190          @wrapped_string.include?(other)
 191        end
 193        # Returns the position _needle_ in the string, counting in codepoints. Returns +nil+ if _needle_ isn't found.
 194        #
 195        # Example:
 196        #   'Café périferôl'.mb_chars.index('ô') #=> 12
 197        #   'Café périferôl'.mb_chars.index(/\w/u) #=> 0
 198        def index(needle, offset=0)
 199          wrapped_offset = self.first(offset).wrapped_string.length
 200          index = @wrapped_string.index(needle, wrapped_offset)
 201          index ? (self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string.slice(0...index)).size) : nil
 202        end
 204        # Returns the position _needle_ in the string, counting in
 205        # codepoints, searching backward from _offset_ or the end of the
 206        # string. Returns +nil+ if _needle_ isn't found.
 207        #
 208        # Example:
 209        #   'Café périferôl'.mb_chars.rindex('é') #=> 6
 210        #   'Café périferôl'.mb_chars.rindex(/\w/u) #=> 13
 211        def rindex(needle, offset=nil)
 212          offset ||= length
 213          wrapped_offset = self.first(offset).wrapped_string.length
 214          index = @wrapped_string.rindex(needle, wrapped_offset)
 215          index ? (self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string.slice(0...index)).size) : nil
 216        end
 218        # Like <tt>String#[]=</tt>, except instead of byte offsets you specify character offsets.
 219        #
 220        # Example:
 221        #
 222        #   s = "Müller"
 223        #   s.mb_chars[2] = "e" # Replace character with offset 2
 224        #   s
 225        #   #=> "Müeler"
 226        #
 227        #   s = "Müller"
 228        #   s.mb_chars[1, 2] = "ö" # Replace 2 characters at character offset 1
 229        #   s
 230        #   #=> "Möler"
 231        def []=(*args)
 232          replace_by = args.pop
 233          # Indexed replace with regular expressions already works
 234          if args.first.is_a?(Regexp)
 235            @wrapped_string[*args] = replace_by
 236          else
 237            result = self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string)
 238            if args[0].is_a?(Fixnum)
 239              raise IndexError, "index #{args[0]} out of string" if args[0] >= result.length
 240              min = args[0]
 241              max = args[1].nil? ? min : (min + args[1] - 1)
 242              range =, max)
 243              replace_by = [replace_by].pack('U') if replace_by.is_a?(Fixnum)
 244            elsif args.first.is_a?(Range)
 245              raise RangeError, "#{args[0]} out of range" if args[0].min >= result.length
 246              range = args[0]
 247            else
 248              needle = args[0].to_s
 249              min = index(needle)
 250              max = min + self.class.u_unpack(needle).length - 1
 251              range =, max)
 252            end
 253            result[range] = self.class.u_unpack(replace_by)
 254            @wrapped_string.replace(result.pack('U*'))
 255          end
 256        end
 258        # Works just like <tt>String#rjust</tt>, only integer specifies characters instead of bytes.
 259        #
 260        # Example:
 261        #
 262        #   "¾ cup".mb_chars.rjust(8).to_s
 263        #   #=> "   ¾ cup"
 264        #
 265        #   "¾ cup".mb_chars.rjust(8, " ").to_s # Use non-breaking whitespace
 266        #   #=> "   ¾ cup"
 267        def rjust(integer, padstr=' ')
 268          justify(integer, :right, padstr)
 269        end
 271        # Works just like <tt>String#ljust</tt>, only integer specifies characters instead of bytes.
 272        #
 273        # Example:
 274        #
 275        #   "¾ cup".mb_chars.rjust(8).to_s
 276        #   #=> "¾ cup   "
 277        #
 278        #   "¾ cup".mb_chars.rjust(8, " ").to_s # Use non-breaking whitespace
 279        #   #=> "¾ cup   "
 280        def ljust(integer, padstr=' ')
 281          justify(integer, :left, padstr)
 282        end
 284        # Works just like <tt>String#center</tt>, only integer specifies characters instead of bytes.
 285        #
 286        # Example:
 287        #
 288        #   "¾ cup"
 289        #   #=> " ¾ cup  "
 290        #
 291        #   "¾ cup", " ").to_s # Use non-breaking whitespace
 292        #   #=> " ¾ cup  "
 293        def center(integer, padstr=' ')
 294          justify(integer, :center, padstr)
 295        end
 297        # Strips entire range of Unicode whitespace from the right of the string.
 298        def rstrip
 299          chars(@wrapped_string.gsub(UNICODE_TRAILERS_PAT, ''))
 300        end
 302        # Strips entire range of Unicode whitespace from the left of the string.
 303        def lstrip
 304          chars(@wrapped_string.gsub(UNICODE_LEADERS_PAT, ''))
 305        end
 307        # Strips entire range of Unicode whitespace from the right and left of the string.
 308        def strip
 309          rstrip.lstrip
 310        end
 312        # Returns the number of codepoints in the string
 313        def size
 314          self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string).size
 315        end
 316        alias_method :length, :size
 318        # Reverses all characters in the string.
 319        #
 320        # Example:
 321        #   'Café'.mb_chars.reverse.to_s #=> 'éfaC'
 322        def reverse
 323          chars(self.class.g_unpack(@wrapped_string).reverse.flatten.pack('U*'))
 324        end
 326        # Implements Unicode-aware slice with codepoints. Slicing on one point returns the codepoints for that
 327        # character.
 328        #
 329        # Example:
 330        #   'こんにちは'.mb_chars.slice(2..3).to_s #=> "にち"
 331        def slice(*args)
 332          if args.size > 2
 333            raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.size} for 1)" # Do as if we were native
 334          elsif (args.size == 2 && !(args.first.is_a?(Numeric) || args.first.is_a?(Regexp)))
 335            raise TypeError, "cannot convert #{args.first.class} into Integer" # Do as if we were native
 336          elsif (args.size == 2 && !args[1].is_a?(Numeric))
 337            raise TypeError, "cannot convert #{args[1].class} into Integer" # Do as if we were native
 338          elsif args[0].kind_of? Range
 339            cps = self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string).slice(*args)
 340            result = cps.nil? ? nil : cps.pack('U*')
 341          elsif args[0].kind_of? Regexp
 342            result = @wrapped_string.slice(*args)
 343          elsif args.size == 1 && args[0].kind_of?(Numeric)
 344            character = self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string)[args[0]]
 345            result = character.nil? ? nil : [character].pack('U')
 346          else
 347            result = self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string).slice(*args).pack('U*')
 348          end
 349          result.nil? ? nil : chars(result)
 350        end
 351        alias_method :[], :slice
 353        # Like <tt>String#slice!</tt>, except instead of byte offsets you specify character offsets.
 354        #
 355        # Example:
 356        #   s = 'こんにちは'
 357        #   s.mb_chars.slice!(2..3).to_s #=> "にち"
 358        #   s #=> "こんは"
 359        def slice!(*args)
 360          slice = self[*args]
 361          self[*args] = ''
 362          slice
 363        end
 365        # Returns the codepoint of the first character in the string.
 366        #
 367        # Example:
 368        #   'こんにちは'.mb_chars.ord #=> 12371
 369        def ord
 370          self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string)[0]
 371        end
 373        # Convert characters in the string to uppercase.
 374        #
 375        # Example:
 376        #   'Laurent, òu sont les tests?'.mb_chars.upcase.to_s #=> "LAURENT, ÒU SONT LES TESTS?"
 377        def upcase
 378          apply_mapping :uppercase_mapping
 379        end
 381        # Convert characters in the string to lowercase.
 382        #
 383        # Example:
 384        #   'VĚDA A VÝZKUM'.mb_chars.downcase.to_s #=> "věda a výzkum"
 385        def downcase
 386          apply_mapping :lowercase_mapping
 387        end
 389        # Converts the first character to uppercase and the remainder to lowercase.
 390        #
 391        # Example:
 392        #  'über'.mb_chars.capitalize.to_s #=> "Über"
 393        def capitalize
 394          (slice(0) || chars('')).upcase + (slice(1..-1) || chars('')).downcase
 395        end
 397        # Returns the KC normalization of the string by default. NFKC is considered the best normalization form for
 398        # passing strings to databases and validations.
 399        #
 400        # * <tt>str</tt> - The string to perform normalization on.
 401        # * <tt>form</tt> - The form you want to normalize in. Should be one of the following:
 402        #   <tt>:c</tt>, <tt>:kc</tt>, <tt>:d</tt>, or <tt>:kd</tt>. Default is
 403        #   ActiveSupport::Multibyte.default_normalization_form
 404        def normalize(form=ActiveSupport::Multibyte.default_normalization_form)
 405          # See, Table 1
 406          codepoints = self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string)
 407          chars(case form
 408            when :d
 409              self.class.reorder_characters(self.class.decompose_codepoints(:canonical, codepoints))
 410            when :c
 411              self.class.compose_codepoints(self.class.reorder_characters(self.class.decompose_codepoints(:canonical, codepoints)))
 412            when :kd
 413              self.class.reorder_characters(self.class.decompose_codepoints(:compatability, codepoints))
 414            when :kc
 415              self.class.compose_codepoints(self.class.reorder_characters(self.class.decompose_codepoints(:compatability, codepoints)))
 416            else
 417              raise ArgumentError, "#{form} is not a valid normalization variant", caller
 418          end.pack('U*'))
 419        end
 421        # Performs canonical decomposition on all the characters.
 422        #
 423        # Example:
 424        #   'é'.length #=> 2
 425        #   'é'.mb_chars.decompose.to_s.length #=> 3
 426        def decompose
 427          chars(self.class.decompose_codepoints(:canonical, self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string)).pack('U*'))
 428        end
 430        # Performs composition on all the characters.
 431        #
 432        # Example:
 433        #   'é'.length #=> 3
 434        #   'é'.mb_chars.compose.to_s.length #=> 2
 435        def compose
 436          chars(self.class.compose_codepoints(self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string)).pack('U*'))
 437        end
 439        # Returns the number of grapheme clusters in the string.
 440        #
 441        # Example:
 442        #   'क्षि'.mb_chars.length #=> 4
 443        #   'क्षि'.mb_chars.g_length #=> 3
 444        def g_length
 445          self.class.g_unpack(@wrapped_string).length
 446        end
 448        # Replaces all ISO-8859-1 or CP1252 characters by their UTF-8 equivalent resulting in a valid UTF-8 string.
 449        def tidy_bytes
 450          chars(self.class.tidy_bytes(@wrapped_string))
 451        end
 453        %w(lstrip rstrip strip reverse upcase downcase tidy_bytes capitalize).each do |method|
 454          define_method("#{method}!") do |*args|
 455            unless args.nil?
 456              @wrapped_string = send(method, *args).to_s
 457            else
 458              @wrapped_string = send(method).to_s
 459            end
 460            self
 461          end
 462        end
 464        class << self
 466          # Unpack the string at codepoints boundaries. Raises an EncodingError when the encoding of the string isn't
 467          # valid UTF-8.
 468          #
 469          # Example:
 470          #   Chars.u_unpack('Café') #=> [67, 97, 102, 233]
 471          def u_unpack(string)
 472            begin
 473              string.unpack 'U*'
 474            rescue ArgumentError
 475              raise EncodingError, 'malformed UTF-8 character'
 476            end
 477          end
 479          # Detect whether the codepoint is in a certain character class. Returns +true+ when it's in the specified
 480          # character class and +false+ otherwise. Valid character classes are: <tt>:cr</tt>, <tt>:lf</tt>, <tt>:l</tt>,
 481          # <tt>:v</tt>, <tt>:lv</tt>, <tt>:lvt</tt> and <tt>:t</tt>.
 482          #
 483          # Primarily used by the grapheme cluster support.
 484          def in_char_class?(codepoint, classes)
 485            classes.detect { |c| UCD.boundary[c] === codepoint } ? true : false
 486          end
 488          # Unpack the string at grapheme boundaries. Returns a list of character lists.
 489          #
 490          # Example:
 491          #   Chars.g_unpack('क्षि') #=> [[2325, 2381], [2359], [2367]]
 492          #   Chars.g_unpack('Café') #=> [[67], [97], [102], [233]]
 493          def g_unpack(string)
 494            codepoints = u_unpack(string)
 495            unpacked = []
 496            pos = 0
 497            marker = 0
 498            eoc = codepoints.length
 499            while(pos < eoc)
 500              pos += 1
 501              previous = codepoints[pos-1]
 502              current = codepoints[pos]
 503              if (
 504                  # CR X LF
 505                  one = ( previous == UCD.boundary[:cr] and current == UCD.boundary[:lf] ) or
 506                  # L X (L|V|LV|LVT)
 507                  two = ( UCD.boundary[:l] === previous and in_char_class?(current, [:l,:v,:lv,:lvt]) ) or
 508                  # (LV|V) X (V|T)
 509                  three = ( in_char_class?(previous, [:lv,:v]) and in_char_class?(current, [:v,:t]) ) or
 510                  # (LVT|T) X (T)
 511                  four = ( in_char_class?(previous, [:lvt,:t]) and UCD.boundary[:t] === current ) or
 512                  # X Extend
 513                  five = (UCD.boundary[:extend] === current)
 514                )
 515              else
 516                unpacked << codepoints[marker..pos-1]
 517                marker = pos
 518              end
 519            end 
 520            unpacked
 521          end
 523          # Reverse operation of g_unpack.
 524          #
 525          # Example:
 526          #   Chars.g_pack(Chars.g_unpack('क्षि')) #=> 'क्षि'
 527          def g_pack(unpacked)
 528            (unpacked.flatten).pack('U*')
 529          end
 531          def padding(padsize, padstr=' ') #:nodoc:
 532            if padsize != 0
 533              new(padstr * ((padsize / u_unpack(padstr).size) + 1)).slice(0, padsize)
 534            else
 535              ''
 536            end
 537          end
 539          # Re-order codepoints so the string becomes canonical.
 540          def reorder_characters(codepoints)
 541            length = codepoints.length- 1
 542            pos = 0
 543            while pos < length do
 544              cp1, cp2 = UCD.codepoints[codepoints[pos]], UCD.codepoints[codepoints[pos+1]]
 545              if (cp1.combining_class > cp2.combining_class) && (cp2.combining_class > 0)
 546                codepoints[pos..pos+1] = cp2.code, cp1.code
 547                pos += (pos > 0 ? -1 : 1)
 548              else
 549                pos += 1
 550              end
 551            end
 552            codepoints
 553          end
 555          # Decompose composed characters to the decomposed form.
 556          def decompose_codepoints(type, codepoints)
 557            codepoints.inject([]) do |decomposed, cp|
 558              # if it's a hangul syllable starter character
 559              if HANGUL_SBASE <= cp and cp < HANGUL_SLAST
 560                sindex = cp - HANGUL_SBASE
 561                ncp = [] # new codepoints
 562                ncp << HANGUL_LBASE + sindex / HANGUL_NCOUNT
 563                ncp << HANGUL_VBASE + (sindex % HANGUL_NCOUNT) / HANGUL_TCOUNT
 564                tindex = sindex % HANGUL_TCOUNT
 565                ncp << (HANGUL_TBASE + tindex) unless tindex == 0
 566                decomposed.concat ncp
 567              # if the codepoint is decomposable in with the current decomposition type
 568              elsif (ncp = UCD.codepoints[cp].decomp_mapping) and (!UCD.codepoints[cp].decomp_type || type == :compatability)
 569                decomposed.concat decompose_codepoints(type, ncp.dup)
 570              else
 571                decomposed << cp
 572              end
 573            end
 574          end
 576          # Compose decomposed characters to the composed form.
 577          def compose_codepoints(codepoints)
 578            pos = 0
 579            eoa = codepoints.length - 1
 580            starter_pos = 0
 581            starter_char = codepoints[0]
 582            previous_combining_class = -1
 583            while pos < eoa
 584              pos += 1
 585              lindex = starter_char - HANGUL_LBASE
 586              # -- Hangul
 587              if 0 <= lindex and lindex < HANGUL_LCOUNT
 588                vindex = codepoints[starter_pos+1] - HANGUL_VBASE rescue vindex = -1
 589                if 0 <= vindex and vindex < HANGUL_VCOUNT
 590                  tindex = codepoints[starter_pos+2] - HANGUL_TBASE rescue tindex = -1
 591                  if 0 <= tindex and tindex < HANGUL_TCOUNT
 592                    j = starter_pos + 2
 593                    eoa -= 2
 594                  else
 595                    tindex = 0
 596                    j = starter_pos + 1
 597                    eoa -= 1
 598                  end
 599                  codepoints[starter_pos..j] = (lindex * HANGUL_VCOUNT + vindex) * HANGUL_TCOUNT + tindex + HANGUL_SBASE
 600                end
 601                starter_pos += 1
 602                starter_char = codepoints[starter_pos]
 603              # -- Other characters
 604              else
 605                current_char = codepoints[pos]
 606                current = UCD.codepoints[current_char]
 607                if current.combining_class > previous_combining_class
 608                  if ref = UCD.composition_map[starter_char]
 609                    composition = ref[current_char]
 610                  else
 611                    composition = nil
 612                  end
 613                  unless composition.nil?
 614                    codepoints[starter_pos] = composition
 615                    starter_char = composition
 616                    codepoints.delete_at pos
 617                    eoa -= 1
 618                    pos -= 1
 619                    previous_combining_class = -1
 620                  else
 621                    previous_combining_class = current.combining_class
 622                  end
 623                else
 624                  previous_combining_class = current.combining_class
 625                end
 626                if current.combining_class == 0
 627                  starter_pos = pos
 628                  starter_char = codepoints[pos]
 629                end
 630              end
 631            end
 632            codepoints
 633          end
 635          # Replaces all ISO-8859-1 or CP1252 characters by their UTF-8 equivalent resulting in a valid UTF-8 string.
 636          def tidy_bytes(string)
 637            string.split(//u).map do |c|
 638              c.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII) if c.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
 640              if !ActiveSupport::Multibyte::VALID_CHARACTER['UTF-8'].match(c)
 641                n = c.unpack('C')[0]
 642                n < 128 ? n.chr :
 643                n < 160 ? [UCD.cp1252[n] || n].pack('U') :
 644                n < 192 ? "\xC2" + n.chr : "\xC3" + (n-64).chr
 645              else
 646                c
 647              end
 648            end.join
 649          end
 650        end
 652        protected
 654          def translate_offset(byte_offset) #:nodoc:
 655            return nil if byte_offset.nil?
 656            return 0   if @wrapped_string == ''
 657            chunk = @wrapped_string[0..byte_offset]
 658            begin
 659              begin
 660                chunk.unpack('U*').length - 1
 661              rescue ArgumentError => e
 662                chunk = @wrapped_string[0..(byte_offset+=1)]
 663                # Stop retrying at the end of the string
 664                raise e unless byte_offset < chunk.length 
 665                # We damaged a character, retry
 666                retry
 667              end
 668            # Catch the ArgumentError so we can throw our own
 669            rescue ArgumentError 
 670              raise EncodingError, 'malformed UTF-8 character'
 671            end
 672          end
 674          def justify(integer, way, padstr=' ') #:nodoc:
 675            raise ArgumentError, "zero width padding" if padstr.length == 0
 676            padsize = integer - size
 677            padsize = padsize > 0 ? padsize : 0
 678            case way
 679            when :right
 680              result = @wrapped_string.dup.insert(0, self.class.padding(padsize, padstr))
 681            when :left
 682              result = @wrapped_string.dup.insert(-1, self.class.padding(padsize, padstr))
 683            when :center
 684              lpad = self.class.padding((padsize / 2.0).floor, padstr)
 685              rpad = self.class.padding((padsize / 2.0).ceil, padstr)
 686              result = @wrapped_string.dup.insert(0, lpad).insert(-1, rpad)
 687            end
 688            chars(result)
 689          end
 691          def apply_mapping(mapping) #:nodoc:
 692            chars(self.class.u_unpack(@wrapped_string).map do |codepoint|
 693              cp = UCD.codepoints[codepoint]
 694              if cp and (ncp = cp.send(mapping)) and ncp > 0
 695                ncp
 696              else
 697                codepoint
 698              end
 699            end.pack('U*'))
 700          end
 702          def chars(string) #:nodoc:
 704          end
 705      end
 706    end
 707  end