File: active_support/vendor/i18n-0.4.1/i18n/backend/active_record/translation.rb

Module Structure
Class Hierarchy


Module Structure

  module: <Toplevel Module>
  module: I18n#3
  module: Backend#4
  class: ActiveRecord#47
  Implementation ( Unknown-Module )
inherits from
  Object ( Builtin-Module )
  class: Translation#48
inherits from
  Base ( ActiveRecord )
has properties
class method: available_locales #74
method: interpolates? / 1 #78
method: value #82

Class Hierarchy


   1  require 'active_record'
   3  module I18n
   4    module Backend
   5      # ActiveRecord model used to store actual translations to the database.
   6      #
   7      # This model expects a table like the following to be already set up in
   8      # your the database:
   9      #
  10      #   create_table :translations do |t|
  11      #     t.string :locale
  12      #     t.string :key
  13      #     t.text   :value
  14      #     t.text   :interpolations
  15      #     t.boolean :is_proc, :default => false
  16      #   end
  17      #
  18      # This model supports to named scopes :locale and :lookup. The :locale
  19      # scope simply adds a condition for a given locale:
  20      #
  21      #   I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation.locale(:en).all
  22      #   # => all translation records that belong to the :en locale
  23      #
  24      # The :lookup scope adds a condition for looking up all translations
  25      # that either start with the given keys (joined by an optionally given
  26      # separator or I18n.default_separator) or that exactly have this key.
  27      #
  28      #   # with translations present for :"" and :"foo.baz"
  29      #   I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation.lookup(:foo)
  30      #   # => an array with both translation records :"" and :"foo.baz"
  31      #
  32      #   I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation.lookup([:foo, :bar])
  33      #   I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation.lookup(:"")
  34      #   # => an array with the translation record :""
  35      #
  36      # When the StoreProcs module was mixed into this model then Procs will
  37      # be stored to the database as Ruby code and evaluated when :value is
  38      # called.
  39      #
  40      #   Translation = I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord::Translation
  41      #   Translation.create \
  42      #     :locale => 'en'
  43      #     :key    => 'foo'
  44      #     :value  => lambda { |key, options| 'FOO' }
  45      #   Translation.find_by_locale_and_key('en', 'foo').value
  46      #   # => 'FOO'
  47      class ActiveRecord
  48        class Translation < ::ActiveRecord::Base
  49          set_table_name 'translations'
  50          attr_protected :is_proc, :interpolations
  52          serialize :value
  53          serialize :interpolations, Array
  55          scope_method = ::ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR == 2 ? :named_scope : :scope
  57          send scope_method, :locale, lambda { |locale|
  58            { :conditions => { :locale => locale.to_s } }
  59          }
  61          send scope_method, :lookup, lambda { |keys, *separator|
  62            column_name = connection.quote_column_name('key')
  63            keys = Array(keys).map! { |key| key.to_s }
  65            unless separator.empty?
  66              warn "[DEPRECATION] Giving a separator to Translation.lookup is deprecated. " <<
  67                "You can change the internal separator by overwriting FLATTEN_SEPARATOR."
  68            end
  70            namespace = "#{keys.last}#{I18n::Backend::Flatten::FLATTEN_SEPARATOR}%"
  71            { :conditions => ["#{column_name} IN (?) OR #{column_name} LIKE ?", keys, namespace] }
  72          }
  74          def self.available_locales
  75            Translation.find(:all, :select => 'DISTINCT locale').map { |t| t.locale.to_sym }
  76          end
  78          def interpolates?(key)
  79            self.interpolations.include?(key) if self.interpolations
  80          end
  82          def value
  83            if is_proc
  84              Kernel.eval(read_attribute(:value))
  85            else
  86              value = read_attribute(:value)
  87              value == 'f' ? false : value
  88            end
  89          end
  90        end
  91      end
  92    end
  93  end