File: app/helpers/admin/configuration_helper.rb

Module Structure


Module Structure

  module: <Toplevel Module>
  module: Admin
  module: ConfigurationHelper#1
has properties
method: show_config / 2 #9
method: edit_config / 2 #43
method: setting_for / 1 #69
method: definition_for / 1 #74


   1  module Admin::ConfigurationHelper
   2    # Defines helper methods for use in the admin interface when displaying or editing configuration.
   4    # Renders the setting as label and value:
   5    #
   6    #   show_config("admin.title")
   7    #   => <label for="admin_title">Admin title<label><span id="admin_title">Radiant CMS</span>
   8    #
   9    def show_config(key, options={})
  10      setting = setting_for(key)
  11      setting.valid?
  12      domkey = key.gsub(/\W/, '_')
  13      html = ""
  14      html << content_tag(:label, t("config.#{key}").titlecase, :for => domkey)
  15      if setting.boolean?
  16        value = setting.checked? ? t('yes') : t('no')
  17        html << content_tag(:span, value, :id => domkey, :class => "#{value} #{options[:class]}")
  18      else
  19        value = setting.selected_value || setting.value
  20        html << content_tag(:span, value, :id => domkey, :class => options[:class])
  21      end
  22      html << content_tag(:span, " #{t("units.#{setting.units}")}", :class => 'units') if setting.units
  23      html << content_tag(:span, " #{t('warning')}: #{[setting.errors.on(:value)].flatten.first}", :class => 'warning') if setting.errors.on(:value)
  24      html
  25    end
  27    # Renders the setting as label and appropriate input field:
  28    #
  29    #   edit_setting("admin.title")
  30    #   => <label for="admin_title">Admin title<label><input type="text" name="config['admin.title']" id="admin_title" value="Radiant CMS" />
  31    #
  32    #   edit_config("")
  33    #   => 
  34    #   <label for="defaults_page_status">Default page status<label>
  35    #   <select type="text" name="config['']" id="defaults_page_status">
  36    #     <option value="Draft">Draft</option>
  37    #     ...
  38    #   </select>
  39    #
  40    #   edit_setting("user.allow_password_reset?")
  41    #   => <label for="user_allow_password_reset_">Admin title<label><input type="checkbox" name="config['user.allow_password_reset?']" id="user_allow_password_reset_" value="1" checked="checked" />
  42    #
  43    def edit_config(key, options={})
  44      setting = setting_for(key)
  45      domkey = key.gsub(/\W/, '_')
  46      name = "config[#{key}]"
  47      title = t("config.#{key}").titlecase
  48      title << content_tag(:span, " (#{t("units.#{setting.units}")})", :class => 'units') if setting.units
  49      value = params[key.to_sym].nil? ? setting.value : params[key.to_sym]
  50      html = ""
  51      if setting.boolean?
  52        html << hidden_field_tag(name, 0)
  53        html << check_box_tag(name, 1, value, :class => 'setting', :id => domkey)
  54        html << content_tag(:label, title, :class => 'checkbox', :for => domkey)
  55      elsif setting.selector?
  56        html << content_tag(:label, title, :for => domkey)
  57        html << select_tag(name, options_for_select(setting.definition.selection, value), :class => 'setting', :id => domkey)
  58      else
  59        html << content_tag(:label, title, :for => domkey)
  60        html << text_field_tag(name, value, :class => 'textbox', :id => domkey)
  61      end
  62      if setting.errors.on(:value)
  63        html << content_tag(:span, [setting.errors.on(:value)].flatten.first, :class => 'error')
  64        html = content_tag(:span, html, :class => "error-with-field")
  65      end
  66      html
  67    end
  69    def setting_for(key)
  70      @config ||= {}    # normally initialized in Admin::ConfigurationController
  71      @config[key] ||= Radiant.config.find_or_create_by_key(key)
  72    end
  74    def definition_for(key)
  75      if setting = setting_for(key)
  76        setting.definition
  77      end
  78    end
  80  en