File: lib/annotatable.rb

Module Structure
Class Hierarchy


Module Structure

  module: <Toplevel Module>
  module: <Built-in Module>
  class: Hash#55
inherits from
  Object ( Builtin-Module )
has properties
method: symbolize_keys #57
method: symbolize_keys! #65
  module: Annotatable#1
has properties
module method: included / 1 #3
  module: ClassMethods#7
has properties
module method: extended / 1 #8
alias: inherited_without_annotatable inherited #10
alias: inherited inherited_with_annotatable #11
method: annotate / 1 #15
method: inherited_with_annotatable / 1 #43

Class Hierarchy

Object ( Builtin-Module )
  Hash    #55


   1  module Annotatable
   3    def self.included(base)
   4      base.extend ClassMethods
   5    end
   7    module ClassMethods
   8      def self.extended(base)
   9        base.instance_eval do
  10          alias :inherited_without_annotatable :inherited
  11          alias :inherited :inherited_with_annotatable
  12        end
  13      end
  15      def annotate(*attrs)
  16        options = {}
  17        options = attrs.pop if attrs.last.kind_of?(Hash)
  18        options.symbolize_keys!
  19        inherit = options[:inherit]
  20        if inherit
  21          @inherited_annotations ||= []
  22          @inherited_annotations += attrs
  23        end
  24        attrs.each do |attr|
  25          class_eval %{
  26            def self.#{attr}(string = nil)
  27              @#{attr} = string || @#{attr}
  28            end
  29            def #{attr}(string = nil)
  30              self.class.#{attr}(string)
  31            end
  32            def self.#{attr}=(string = nil)
  33              #{attr}(string)
  34            end
  35            def #{attr}=(string = nil)
  36              self.class.#{attr}=(string)
  37            end
  38          }
  39        end
  40        attrs
  41      end
  43      def inherited_with_annotatable(subclass)
  44        inherited_without_annotatable(subclass)
  45        (["inherited_annotations"] + (@inherited_annotations || [])).each do |t|
  46          ivar = "@#{t}" 
  47          subclass.instance_variable_set(ivar, instance_variable_get(ivar))
  48        end
  49      end
  50    end
  52  end
  54  # We don't necessarily have ActiveSupport loaded yet!
  55  class Hash
  56    # Return a new hash with all keys converted to symbols.
  57    def symbolize_keys
  58      inject({}) do |options, (key, value)|
  59        options[key.to_sym || key] = value
  60        options
  61      end
  62    end
  64    # Destructively convert all keys to symbols.
  65    def symbolize_keys!
  66      self.replace(self.symbolize_keys)
  67    end
  68  en