File: lib/redmine/export/pdf.rb

Module Structure
Class Hierarchy


Module Structure

  module: <Toplevel Module>
  module: Redmine#26
  module: Export#27
  module: PDF#28
  NumberHelper ( ActionView::Helpers )
  TextHelper ( ActionView::Helpers )
has properties
method: fetch_row_values / 3 #238
method: calc_col_width / 4 #261
method: render_table_header / 6 #365
method: issues_to_pdf / 3 #389
method: issues_to_pdf_write_cells / 5 #467
method: issues_to_pdf_draw_borders / 6 #485
method: issue_to_pdf / 1 #498
method: wiki_pages_to_pdf / 2 #698
method: wiki_page_to_pdf / 2 #715
method: write_page_hierarchy / 4 #732
method: write_wiki_page / 2 #747
  class: ITCPDF#33
  I18n ( Redmine )
inherits from
has properties
attribute: footer_date [RW] #35
method: initialize / 1 #37
method: SetFontStyle / 2 #83
method: SetTitle / 1 #87
method: textstring / 1 #99
method: fix_text_encoding / 1 #108
method: RDMCell / 8 #112
method: RDMMultiCell / 7 #116
method: RDMwriteHTMLCell / 9 #120
method: getImageFilename / 1 #128
method: Footer #138
method: Bookmark / 3 #148
method: bookmark_title / 1 #155
method: putbookmarks #166
method: putresources #223
method: putcatalog #228
  class: RDMPdfEncoding#766
inherits from
  Object ( Builtin-Module )
has properties
class method: rdm_from_utf8 / 2 #767
class method: attach / 3 #776

Class Hierarchy


   1  # encoding: utf-8
   2  #
   3  # Redmine - project management software
   4  # Copyright (C) 2006-2012  Jean-Philippe Lang
   5  #
   6  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   7  # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   8  # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   9  # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  10  #
  11  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14  # GNU General Public License for more details.
  15  #
  16  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  17  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  18  # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
  20  require 'iconv'
  21  require 'fpdf/chinese'
  22  require 'fpdf/japanese'
  23  require 'fpdf/korean'
  24  require 'core/rmagick'
  26  module Redmine
  27    module Export
  28      module PDF
  29        include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper
  30        include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
  31        include IssuesHelper
  33        class ITCPDF < TCPDF
  34          include Redmine::I18n
  35          attr_accessor :footer_date
  37          def initialize(lang)
  38            @@k_path_cache = Rails.root.join('tmp', 'pdf')
  39            FileUtils.mkdir_p @@k_path_cache unless File::exist?(@@k_path_cache)
  40            set_language_if_valid lang
  41            pdf_encoding = l(:general_pdf_encoding).upcase
  42            super('P', 'mm', 'A4', (pdf_encoding == 'UTF-8'), pdf_encoding)
  43            case current_language.to_s.downcase
  44            when 'vi'
  45              @font_for_content = 'DejaVuSans'
  46              @font_for_footer  = 'DejaVuSans'
  47            else
  48              case pdf_encoding
  49              when 'UTF-8'
  50                @font_for_content = 'FreeSans'
  51                @font_for_footer  = 'FreeSans'
  52              when 'CP949'
  53                extend(PDF_Korean)
  54                AddUHCFont()
  55                @font_for_content = 'UHC'
  56                @font_for_footer  = 'UHC'
  57              when 'CP932', 'SJIS', 'SHIFT_JIS'
  58                extend(PDF_Japanese)
  59                AddSJISFont()
  60                @font_for_content = 'SJIS'
  61                @font_for_footer  = 'SJIS'
  62              when 'GB18030'
  63                extend(PDF_Chinese)
  64                AddGBFont()
  65                @font_for_content = 'GB'
  66                @font_for_footer  = 'GB'
  67              when 'BIG5'
  68                extend(PDF_Chinese)
  69                AddBig5Font()
  70                @font_for_content = 'Big5'
  71                @font_for_footer  = 'Big5'
  72              else
  73                @font_for_content = 'Arial'
  74                @font_for_footer  = 'Helvetica'
  75              end
  76            end
  77            SetCreator(Redmine::Info.app_name)
  78            SetFont(@font_for_content)
  79            @outlines = []
  80            @outlineRoot = nil
  81          end
  83          def SetFontStyle(style, size)
  84            SetFont(@font_for_content, style, size)
  85          end
  87          def SetTitle(txt)
  88            txt = begin
  89              utf16txt = Iconv.conv('UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8', txt)
  90              hextxt = "<FEFF"  # FEFF is BOM
  91              hextxt << utf16txt.unpack("C*").map {|x| sprintf("%02X",x) }.join
  92              hextxt << ">"
  93            rescue
  94              txt
  95            end || ''
  96            super(txt)
  97          end
  99          def textstring(s)
 100            # Format a text string
 101            if s =~ /^</  # This means the string is hex-dumped.
 102              return s
 103            else
 104              return '('+escape(s)+')'
 105            end
 106          end
 108          def fix_text_encoding(txt)
 109            RDMPdfEncoding::rdm_from_utf8(txt, l(:general_pdf_encoding))
 110          end
 112          def RDMCell(w ,h=0, txt='', border=0, ln=0, align='', fill=0, link='')
 113            Cell(w, h, fix_text_encoding(txt), border, ln, align, fill, link)
 114          end
 116          def RDMMultiCell(w, h=0, txt='', border=0, align='', fill=0, ln=1)
 117            MultiCell(w, h, fix_text_encoding(txt), border, align, fill, ln)
 118          end
 120          def RDMwriteHTMLCell(w, h, x, y, txt='', attachments=[], border=0, ln=1, fill=0)
 121            @attachments = attachments
 122            writeHTMLCell(w, h, x, y,
 123              fix_text_encoding(
 124                Redmine::WikiFormatting.to_html(Setting.text_formatting, txt)),
 125              border, ln, fill)
 126          end
 128          def getImageFilename(attrname)
 129            # attrname: general_pdf_encoding string file/uri name
 130            atta = RDMPdfEncoding.attach(@attachments, attrname, l(:general_pdf_encoding))
 131            if atta
 132              return atta.diskfile
 133            else
 134              return nil
 135            end
 136          end
 138          def Footer
 139            SetFont(@font_for_footer, 'I', 8)
 140            SetY(-15)
 141            SetX(15)
 142            RDMCell(0, 5, @footer_date, 0, 0, 'L')
 143            SetY(-15)
 144            SetX(-30)
 145            RDMCell(0, 5, PageNo().to_s + '/{nb}', 0, 0, 'C')
 146          end
 148          def Bookmark(txt, level=0, y=0)
 149            if (y == -1)
 150              y = GetY()
 151            end
 152            @outlines << {:t => txt, :l => level, :p => PageNo(), :y => (@h - y)*@k}
 153          end
 155          def bookmark_title(txt)
 156            txt = begin
 157              utf16txt = Iconv.conv('UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8', txt)
 158              hextxt = "<FEFF"  # FEFF is BOM
 159              hextxt << utf16txt.unpack("C*").map {|x| sprintf("%02X",x) }.join
 160              hextxt << ">"
 161            rescue
 162              txt
 163            end || ''
 164          end
 166          def putbookmarks
 167            nb=@outlines.size
 168            return if (nb==0)
 169            lru=[]
 170            level=0
 171            @outlines.each_with_index do |o, i|
 172              if(o[:l]>0)
 173                parent=lru[o[:l]-1]
 174                #Set parent and last pointers
 175                @outlines[i][:parent]=parent
 176                @outlines[parent][:last]=i
 177                if (o[:l]>level)
 178                  #Level increasing: set first pointer
 179                  @outlines[parent][:first]=i
 180                end
 181              else
 182                @outlines[i][:parent]=nb
 183              end
 184              if (o[:l]<=level && i>0)
 185                #Set prev and next pointers
 186                prev=lru[o[:l]]
 187                @outlines[prev][:next]=i
 188                @outlines[i][:prev]=prev
 189              end
 190              lru[o[:l]]=i
 191              level=o[:l]
 192            end
 193            #Outline items
 194            n=self.n+1
 195            @outlines.each_with_index do |o, i|
 196              newobj()
 197              out('<</Title '+bookmark_title(o[:t]))
 198              out("/Parent #{n+o[:parent]} 0 R")
 199              if (o[:prev])
 200                out("/Prev #{n+o[:prev]} 0 R")
 201              end
 202              if (o[:next])
 203                out("/Next #{n+o[:next]} 0 R")
 204              end
 205              if (o[:first])
 206                out("/First #{n+o[:first]} 0 R")
 207              end
 208              if (o[:last])
 209                out("/Last #{n+o[:last]} 0 R")
 210              end
 211              out("/Dest [%d 0 R /XYZ 0 %.2f null]" % [1+2*o[:p], o[:y]])
 212              out('/Count 0>>')
 213              out('endobj')
 214            end
 215            #Outline root
 216            newobj()
 217            @outlineRoot=self.n
 218            out("<</Type /Outlines /First #{n} 0 R");
 219            out("/Last #{n+lru[0]} 0 R>>");
 220            out('endobj');
 221          end
 223          def putresources()
 224            super
 225            putbookmarks()
 226          end
 228          def putcatalog()
 229            super
 230            if(@outlines.size > 0)
 231              out("/Outlines #{@outlineRoot} 0 R");
 232              out('/PageMode /UseOutlines');
 233            end
 234          end
 235        end
 237        # fetch row values
 238        def fetch_row_values(issue, query, level)
 239          query.columns.collect do |column|
 240            s = if column.is_a?(QueryCustomFieldColumn)
 241              cv = issue.custom_field_values.detect {|v| v.custom_field_id ==}
 242              show_value(cv)
 243            else
 244              value = issue.send(
 245              if == :subject
 246                value = "  " * level + value
 247              end
 248              if value.is_a?(Date)
 249                format_date(value)
 250              elsif value.is_a?(Time)
 251                format_time(value)
 252              else
 253                value
 254              end
 255            end
 256            s.to_s
 257          end
 258        end
 260        # calculate columns width
 261        def calc_col_width(issues, query, table_width, pdf)
 262          # calculate statistics
 263          #  by captions
 264          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',8)
 265          col_padding = pdf.GetStringWidth('OO')
 266          col_width_min = {|v| pdf.GetStringWidth(v.caption) + col_padding}
 267          col_width_max =
 268          col_width_avg =
 269          word_width_max = {|c|
 270            n = 10
 271            c.caption.split.each {|w|
 272              x = pdf.GetStringWidth(w) + col_padding
 273              n = x if n < x
 274            }
 275            n
 276          }
 278          #  by properties of issues
 279          pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
 280          col_padding = pdf.GetStringWidth('OO')
 281          k = 1
 282          issue_list(issues) {|issue, level|
 283            k += 1
 284            values = fetch_row_values(issue, query, level)
 285            values.each_with_index {|v,i|
 286              n = pdf.GetStringWidth(v) + col_padding
 287              col_width_max[i] = n if col_width_max[i] < n
 288              col_width_min[i] = n if col_width_min[i] > n
 289              col_width_avg[i] += n
 290              v.split.each {|w|
 291                x = pdf.GetStringWidth(w) + col_padding
 292                word_width_max[i] = x if word_width_max[i] < x
 293              }
 294            }
 295          }
 296! {|x| x / k}
 298          # calculate columns width
 299          ratio = table_width / col_width_avg.inject(0) {|s,w| s += w}
 300          col_width = {|w| w * ratio}
 302          # correct max word width if too many columns
 303          ratio = table_width / word_width_max.inject(0) {|s,w| s += w}
 304! {|v| v * ratio} if ratio < 1
 306          # correct and lock width of some columns
 307          done = 1
 308          col_fix = []
 309          col_width.each_with_index do |w,i|
 310            if w > col_width_max[i]
 311              col_width[i] = col_width_max[i]
 312              col_fix[i] = 1
 313              done = 0
 314            elsif w < word_width_max[i]
 315              col_width[i] = word_width_max[i]
 316              col_fix[i] = 1
 317              done = 0
 318            else
 319              col_fix[i] = 0
 320            end
 321          end
 323          # iterate while need to correct and lock coluns width
 324          while done == 0
 325            # calculate free & locked columns width
 326            done = 1
 327            fix_col_width = 0
 328            free_col_width = 0
 329            col_width.each_with_index do |w,i|
 330              if col_fix[i] == 1
 331                fix_col_width += w
 332              else
 333                free_col_width += w
 334              end
 335            end
 337            # calculate column normalizing ratio
 338            if free_col_width == 0
 339              ratio = table_width / col_width.inject(0) {|s,w| s += w}
 340            else
 341              ratio = (table_width - fix_col_width) / free_col_width
 342            end
 344            # correct columns width
 345            col_width.each_with_index do |w,i|
 346              if col_fix[i] == 0
 347                col_width[i] = w * ratio
 349                # check if column width less then max word width
 350                if col_width[i] < word_width_max[i]
 351                  col_width[i] = word_width_max[i]
 352                  col_fix[i] = 1
 353                  done = 0
 354                elsif col_width[i] > col_width_max[i]
 355                  col_width[i] = col_width_max[i]
 356                  col_fix[i] = 1
 357                  done = 0
 358                end
 359              end
 360            end
 361          end
 362          col_width
 363        end
 365        def render_table_header(pdf, query, col_width, row_height, col_id_width, table_width)
 366          # headers
 367          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',8)
 368          pdf.SetFillColor(230, 230, 230)
 370          # render it background to find the max height used
 371          base_x = pdf.GetX
 372          base_y = pdf.GetY
 373          max_height = issues_to_pdf_write_cells(pdf, query.columns, col_width, row_height, true)
 374          pdf.Rect(base_x, base_y, table_width + col_id_width, max_height, 'FD');
 375          pdf.SetXY(base_x, base_y);
 377          # write the cells on page
 378          pdf.RDMCell(col_id_width, row_height, "#", "T", 0, 'C', 1)
 379          issues_to_pdf_write_cells(pdf, query.columns, col_width, row_height, true)
 380          issues_to_pdf_draw_borders(pdf, base_x, base_y, base_y + max_height, col_id_width, col_width)
 381          pdf.SetY(base_y + max_height);
 383          # rows
 384          pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
 385          pdf.SetFillColor(255, 255, 255)
 386        end
 388        # Returns a PDF string of a list of issues
 389        def issues_to_pdf(issues, project, query)
 390          pdf =
 391          title = query.new_record? ? l(:label_issue_plural) :
 392          title = "#{project} - #{title}" if project
 393          pdf.SetTitle(title)
 394          pdf.alias_nb_pages
 395          pdf.footer_date = format_date(
 396          pdf.SetAutoPageBreak(false)
 397          pdf.AddPage("L")
 399          # Landscape A4 = 210 x 297 mm
 400          page_height   = 210
 401          page_width    = 297
 402          right_margin  = 10
 403          bottom_margin = 20
 404          col_id_width  = 10
 405          row_height    = 4
 407          # column widths
 408          table_width = page_width - right_margin - 10  # fixed left margin
 409          col_width = []
 410          unless query.columns.empty?
 411            col_width = calc_col_width(issues, query, table_width - col_id_width, pdf)
 412            table_width = col_width.inject(0) {|s,v| s += v}
 413          end
 415          # title
 416          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',11)
 417          pdf.RDMCell(190,10, title)
 418          pdf.Ln
 419          render_table_header(pdf, query, col_width, row_height, col_id_width, table_width)
 420          previous_group = false
 421          issue_list(issues) do |issue, level|
 422            if query.grouped? &&
 423                 (group = query.group_by_column.value(issue)) != previous_group
 424              pdf.SetFontStyle('B',10)
 425              group_label = group.blank? ? 'None' : group.to_s
 426              group_label << " (#{query.issue_count_by_group[group]})"
 427              pdf.Bookmark group_label, 0, -1
 428              pdf.RDMCell(table_width + col_id_width, row_height * 2, group_label, 1, 1, 'L')
 429              pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
 430              previous_group = group
 431            end
 433            # fetch row values
 434            col_values = fetch_row_values(issue, query, level)
 436            # render it off-page to find the max height used
 437            base_x = pdf.GetX
 438            base_y = pdf.GetY
 439            pdf.SetY(2 * page_height)
 440            max_height = issues_to_pdf_write_cells(pdf, col_values, col_width, row_height)
 441            pdf.SetXY(base_x, base_y)
 443            # make new page if it doesn't fit on the current one
 444            space_left = page_height - base_y - bottom_margin
 445            if max_height > space_left
 446              pdf.AddPage("L")
 447              render_table_header(pdf, query, col_width, row_height, col_id_width, table_width)
 448              base_x = pdf.GetX
 449              base_y = pdf.GetY
 450            end
 452            # write the cells on page
 453            pdf.RDMCell(col_id_width, row_height,, "T", 0, 'C', 1)
 454            issues_to_pdf_write_cells(pdf, col_values, col_width, row_height)
 455            issues_to_pdf_draw_borders(pdf, base_x, base_y, base_y + max_height, col_id_width, col_width)
 456            pdf.SetY(base_y + max_height);
 457          end
 459          if issues.size == Setting.issues_export_limit.to_i
 460            pdf.SetFontStyle('B',10)
 461            pdf.RDMCell(0, row_height, '...')
 462          end
 463          pdf.Output
 464        end
 466        # Renders MultiCells and returns the maximum height used
 467        def issues_to_pdf_write_cells(pdf, col_values, col_widths,
 468                                      row_height, head=false)
 469          base_y = pdf.GetY
 470          max_height = row_height
 471          col_values.each_with_index do |column, i|
 472            col_x = pdf.GetX
 473            if head == true
 474              pdf.RDMMultiCell(col_widths[i], row_height, column.caption, "T", 'L', 1)
 475            else
 476              pdf.RDMMultiCell(col_widths[i], row_height, column, "T", 'L', 1)
 477            end
 478            max_height = (pdf.GetY - base_y) if (pdf.GetY - base_y) > max_height
 479            pdf.SetXY(col_x + col_widths[i], base_y);
 480          end
 481          return max_height
 482        end
 484        # Draw lines to close the row (MultiCell border drawing in not uniform)
 485        def issues_to_pdf_draw_borders(pdf, top_x, top_y, lower_y,
 486                                       id_width, col_widths)
 487          col_x = top_x + id_width
 488          pdf.Line(col_x, top_y, col_x, lower_y)    # id right border
 489          col_widths.each do |width|
 490            col_x += width
 491            pdf.Line(col_x, top_y, col_x, lower_y)  # columns right border
 492          end
 493          pdf.Line(top_x, top_y, top_x, lower_y)    # left border
 494          pdf.Line(top_x, lower_y, col_x, lower_y)  # bottom border
 495        end
 497        # Returns a PDF string of a single issue
 498        def issue_to_pdf(issue)
 499          pdf =
 500          pdf.SetTitle("#{issue.project} - ##{issue.tracker} #{}")
 501          pdf.alias_nb_pages
 502          pdf.footer_date = format_date(
 503          pdf.AddPage
 504          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',11)
 505          buf = "#{issue.project} - #{issue.tracker} # #{}"
 506          pdf.RDMMultiCell(190, 5, buf)
 507          pdf.Ln
 508          pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
 509          base_x = pdf.GetX
 510          i = 1
 511          issue.ancestors.each do |ancestor|
 512            pdf.SetX(base_x + i)
 513            buf = "#{ancestor.tracker} # #{} (#{ancestor.status.to_s}): #{ancestor.subject}"
 514            pdf.RDMMultiCell(190 - i, 5, buf)
 515            i += 1 if i < 35
 516          end
 517          pdf.Ln
 519          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 520          pdf.RDMCell(35,5, l(:field_status) + ":","LT")
 521          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 522          pdf.RDMCell(60,5, issue.status.to_s,"RT")
 523          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 524          pdf.RDMCell(35,5, l(:field_priority) + ":","LT")
 525          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 526          pdf.RDMCell(60,5, issue.priority.to_s,"RT")
 527          pdf.Ln
 529          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 530          pdf.RDMCell(35,5, l(:field_author) + ":","L")
 531          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 532          pdf.RDMCell(60,5,,"R")
 533          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 534          pdf.RDMCell(35,5, l(:field_category) + ":","L")
 535          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 536          pdf.RDMCell(60,5, issue.category.to_s,"R")
 537          pdf.Ln
 539          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 540          pdf.RDMCell(35,5, l(:field_created_on) + ":","L")
 541          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 542          pdf.RDMCell(60,5, format_date(issue.created_on),"R")
 543          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 544          pdf.RDMCell(35,5, l(:field_assigned_to) + ":","L")
 545          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 546          pdf.RDMCell(60,5, issue.assigned_to.to_s,"R")
 547          pdf.Ln
 549          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 550          pdf.RDMCell(35,5, l(:field_updated_on) + ":","LB")
 551          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 552          pdf.RDMCell(60,5, format_date(issue.updated_on),"RB")
 553          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 554          pdf.RDMCell(35,5, l(:field_due_date) + ":","LB")
 555          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 556          pdf.RDMCell(60,5, format_date(issue.due_date),"RB")
 557          pdf.Ln
 559          for custom_value in issue.custom_field_values
 560            pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 561            pdf.RDMCell(35,5, + ":","L")
 562            pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 563            pdf.RDMMultiCell(155,5, (show_value custom_value),"R")
 564          end
 566          y0 = pdf.GetY
 568          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 569          pdf.RDMCell(35,5, l(:field_subject) + ":","LT")
 570          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 571          pdf.RDMMultiCell(155,5, issue.subject,"RT")
 572          pdf.Line(pdf.GetX, y0, pdf.GetX, pdf.GetY)
 574          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 575          pdf.RDMCell(35+155, 5, l(:field_description), "LRT", 1)
 576          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 578          # Set resize image scale
 579          pdf.SetImageScale(1.6)
 580          pdf.RDMwriteHTMLCell(35+155, 5, 0, 0,
 581                issue.description.to_s, issue.attachments, "LRB")
 583          unless issue.leaf?
 584            # for CJK
 585            truncate_length = ( l(:general_pdf_encoding).upcase == "UTF-8" ? 90 : 65 )
 587            pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 588            pdf.RDMCell(35+155,5, l(:label_subtask_plural) + ":", "LTR")
 589            pdf.Ln
 590            issue_list(issue.descendants.sort_by(&:lft)) do |child, level|
 591              buf = truncate("#{child.tracker} # #{}: #{child.subject}",
 592                             :length => truncate_length)
 593              level = 10 if level >= 10
 594              pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
 595              pdf.RDMCell(35+135,5, (level >=1 ? "  " * level : "") + buf, "L")
 596              pdf.SetFontStyle('B',8)
 597              pdf.RDMCell(20,5, child.status.to_s, "R")
 598              pdf.Ln
 599            end
 600          end
 602          relations = { |r| r.other_issue(issue).visible? }
 603          unless relations.empty?
 604            # for CJK
 605            truncate_length = ( l(:general_pdf_encoding).upcase == "UTF-8" ? 80 : 60 )
 607            pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 608            pdf.RDMCell(35+155,5, l(:label_related_issues) + ":", "LTR")
 609            pdf.Ln
 610            relations.each do |relation|
 611              buf = ""
 612              buf += "#{l(relation.label_for(issue))} "
 613              if relation.delay && relation.delay != 0
 614                buf += "(#{l('datetime.distance_in_words.x_days', :count => relation.delay)}) "
 615              end
 616              if Setting.cross_project_issue_relations?
 617                buf += "#{relation.other_issue(issue).project} - "
 618              end
 619              buf += "#{relation.other_issue(issue).tracker}" +
 620                     " # #{relation.other_issue(issue).id}: #{relation.other_issue(issue).subject}"
 621              buf = truncate(buf, :length => truncate_length)
 622              pdf.SetFontStyle('', 8)
 623              pdf.RDMCell(35+155-60, 5, buf, "L")
 624              pdf.SetFontStyle('B',8)
 625              pdf.RDMCell(20,5, relation.other_issue(issue).status.to_s, "")
 626              pdf.RDMCell(20,5, format_date(relation.other_issue(issue).start_date), "")
 627              pdf.RDMCell(20,5, format_date(relation.other_issue(issue).due_date), "R")
 628              pdf.Ln
 629            end
 630          end
 631          pdf.RDMCell(190,5, "", "T")
 632          pdf.Ln
 634          if issue.changesets.any? &&
 635               User.current.allowed_to?(:view_changesets, issue.project)
 636            pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 637            pdf.RDMCell(190,5, l(:label_associated_revisions), "B")
 638            pdf.Ln
 639            for changeset in issue.changesets
 640              pdf.SetFontStyle('B',8)
 641              csstr  = "#{l(:label_revision)} #{changeset.format_identifier} - "
 642              csstr += format_time(changeset.committed_on) + " - " +
 643              pdf.RDMCell(190, 5, csstr)
 644              pdf.Ln
 645              unless changeset.comments.blank?
 646                pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
 647                pdf.RDMwriteHTMLCell(190,5,0,0,
 648                      changeset.comments.to_s, issue.attachments, "")
 649              end
 650              pdf.Ln
 651            end
 652          end
 654          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 655          pdf.RDMCell(190,5, l(:label_history), "B")
 656          pdf.Ln
 657          indice = 0
 658          for journal in issue.journals.find(
 659                            :all, :include => [:user, :details],
 660                            :order => "#{Journal.table_name}.created_on ASC")
 661            indice = indice + 1
 662            pdf.SetFontStyle('B',8)
 663            pdf.RDMCell(190,5,
 664               "#" + indice.to_s +
 665               " - " + format_time(journal.created_on) +
 666               " - " +
 667            pdf.Ln
 668            pdf.SetFontStyle('I',8)
 669            details_to_strings(journal.details, true).each do |string|
 670              pdf.RDMMultiCell(190,5, "- " + string)
 671            end
 672            if journal.notes?
 673              pdf.Ln unless journal.details.empty?
 674              pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
 675              pdf.RDMwriteHTMLCell(190,5,0,0,
 676                    journal.notes.to_s, issue.attachments, "")
 677            end
 678            pdf.Ln
 679          end
 681          if issue.attachments.any?
 682            pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 683            pdf.RDMCell(190,5, l(:label_attachment_plural), "B")
 684            pdf.Ln
 685            for attachment in issue.attachments
 686              pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
 687              pdf.RDMCell(80,5, attachment.filename)
 688              pdf.RDMCell(20,5, number_to_human_size(attachment.filesize),0,0,"R")
 689              pdf.RDMCell(25,5, format_date(attachment.created_on),0,0,"R")
 690              pdf.RDMCell(65,5,,0,0,"R")
 691              pdf.Ln
 692            end
 693          end
 694          pdf.Output
 695        end
 697        # Returns a PDF string of a set of wiki pages
 698        def wiki_pages_to_pdf(pages, project)
 699          pdf =
 700          pdf.SetTitle(
 701          pdf.alias_nb_pages
 702          pdf.footer_date = format_date(
 703          pdf.AddPage
 704          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',11)
 705          pdf.RDMMultiCell(190,5,
 706          pdf.Ln
 707          # Set resize image scale
 708          pdf.SetImageScale(1.6)
 709          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 710          write_page_hierarchy(pdf, pages.group_by(&:parent_id))
 711          pdf.Output
 712        end
 714        # Returns a PDF string of a single wiki page
 715        def wiki_page_to_pdf(page, project)
 716          pdf =
 717          pdf.SetTitle("#{project} - #{page.title}")
 718          pdf.alias_nb_pages
 719          pdf.footer_date = format_date(
 720          pdf.AddPage
 721          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',11)
 722          pdf.RDMMultiCell(190,5,
 723               "#{project} - #{page.title} - # #{page.content.version}")
 724          pdf.Ln
 725          # Set resize image scale
 726          pdf.SetImageScale(1.6)
 727          pdf.SetFontStyle('',9)
 728          write_wiki_page(pdf, page)
 729          pdf.Output
 730        end
 732        def write_page_hierarchy(pdf, pages, node=nil, level=0)
 733          if pages[node]
 734            pages[node].each do |page|
 735              if @new_page
 736                pdf.AddPage
 737              else
 738                @new_page = true
 739              end
 740              pdf.Bookmark page.title, level
 741              write_wiki_page(pdf, page)
 742              write_page_hierarchy(pdf, pages,, level + 1) if pages[]
 743            end
 744          end
 745        end
 747        def write_wiki_page(pdf, page)
 748          pdf.RDMwriteHTMLCell(190,5,0,0,
 749                page.content.text.to_s, page.attachments, 0)
 750          if page.attachments.any?
 751            pdf.Ln
 752            pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 753            pdf.RDMCell(190,5, l(:label_attachment_plural), "B")
 754            pdf.Ln
 755            for attachment in page.attachments
 756              pdf.SetFontStyle('',8)
 757              pdf.RDMCell(80,5, attachment.filename)
 758              pdf.RDMCell(20,5, number_to_human_size(attachment.filesize),0,0,"R")
 759              pdf.RDMCell(25,5, format_date(attachment.created_on),0,0,"R")
 760              pdf.RDMCell(65,5,,0,0,"R")
 761              pdf.Ln
 762            end
 763          end
 764        end
 766        class RDMPdfEncoding
 767          def self.rdm_from_utf8(txt, encoding)
 768            txt ||= ''
 769            txt = Redmine::CodesetUtil.from_utf8(txt, encoding)
 770            if txt.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
 771              txt.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT')
 772            end
 773            txt
 774          end
 776          def self.attach(attachments, filename, encoding)
 777            filename_utf8 = Redmine::CodesetUtil.to_utf8(filename, encoding)
 778            atta = nil
 779            if filename_utf8 =~ /^[^\/"]+\.(gif|jpg|jpe|jpeg|png)$/i
 780              atta = Attachment.latest_attach(attachments, filename_utf8)
 781            end
 782            if atta && atta.readable? && atta.visible?
 783              return atta
 784            else
 785              return nil
 786            end
 787          end
 788        end
 789      end
 790    end
 791  end