File: lib/redmine/helpers/gantt.rb

Module Structure
Class Hierarchy


Module Structure

  module: <Toplevel Module>
  module: Redmine#18
  module: Helpers#19
  class: Gantt#21
  Util ( ERB )
  I18n ( Redmine )
inherits from
  Object ( Builtin-Module )
has properties
attribute: year_from [R] #37
attribute: month_from [R] #37
attribute: date_from [R] #37
attribute: date_to [R] #37
attribute: zoom [R] #37
attribute: months [R] #37
attribute: truncated [R] #37
attribute: max_rows [R] #37
attribute: query [RW] #38
attribute: project [RW] #39
attribute: view [RW] #40
method: initialize / 1 #42
method: common_params #85
method: params #89
method: params_previous #93
method: params_next #97
method: number_of_rows #102
method: number_of_rows_on_project / 1 #111
method: subjects / 1 #121
method: lines / 1 #127
method: issues #133
method: projects #142
method: project_issues / 1 #159
method: project_versions / 1 #165
method: version_issues / 2 #170
method: render / 1 #174
method: render_project / 2 #194
method: render_issues / 2 #219
method: render_version / 3 #234
method: render_end / 1 #253
method: subject_for_project / 2 #260
method: line_for_project / 2 #275
method: subject_for_version / 2 #298
method: line_for_version / 2 #313
method: subject_for_issue / 2 #337
method: line_for_issue / 2 #373
method: to_image / 1 #395
method: to_pdf #509
method: coordinates / 4 #623
method: sort_issues! / 1 #672
method: gantt_issue_compare / 3 #677
method: current_limit #685
method: abort? #693
method: pdf_new_page? / 1 #699
method: html_subject / 3 #708
method: pdf_subject / 3 #717
method: image_subject / 3 #729
method: html_task / 3 #736
method: pdf_task / 3 #775
method: image_task / 3 #820
  class: PDF#27
inherits from
  Object ( Builtin-Module )
has properties
constant: MaxCharactorsForSubject #28
constant: TotalWidth #29
constant: LeftPaneWidth #30
class method: right_pane_width #32

Class Hierarchy


   1  # Redmine - project management software
   2  # Copyright (C) 2006-2011  Jean-Philippe Lang
   3  #
   4  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   5  # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   6  # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   7  # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   8  #
   9  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  # GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  #
  14  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  16  # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
  18  module Redmine
  19    module Helpers
  20      # Simple class to handle gantt chart data
  21      class Gantt
  22        include ERB::Util
  23        include Redmine::I18n
  25        # :nodoc:
  26        # Some utility methods for the PDF export
  27        class PDF
  28          MaxCharactorsForSubject = 45
  29          TotalWidth = 280
  30          LeftPaneWidth = 100
  32          def self.right_pane_width
  33            TotalWidth - LeftPaneWidth
  34          end
  35        end
  37        attr_reader :year_from, :month_from, :date_from, :date_to, :zoom, :months, :truncated, :max_rows
  38        attr_accessor :query
  39        attr_accessor :project
  40        attr_accessor :view
  42        def initialize(options={})
  43          options = options.dup
  45          if options[:year] && options[:year].to_i >0
  46            @year_from = options[:year].to_i
  47            if options[:month] && options[:month].to_i >=1 && options[:month].to_i <= 12
  48              @month_from = options[:month].to_i
  49            else
  50              @month_from = 1
  51            end
  52          else
  53            @month_from ||=
  54            @year_from ||=
  55          end
  57          zoom = (options[:zoom] || User.current.pref[:gantt_zoom]).to_i
  58          @zoom = (zoom > 0 && zoom < 5) ? zoom : 2
  59          months = (options[:months] || User.current.pref[:gantt_months]).to_i
  60          @months = (months > 0 && months < 25) ? months : 6
  62          # Save gantt parameters as user preference (zoom and months count)
  63          if (User.current.logged? && (@zoom != User.current.pref[:gantt_zoom] || @months != User.current.pref[:gantt_months]))
  64            User.current.pref[:gantt_zoom], User.current.pref[:gantt_months] = @zoom, @months
  66          end
  68          @date_from = Date.civil(@year_from, @month_from, 1)
  69          @date_to = (@date_from >> @months) - 1
  71          @subjects = ''
  72          @lines = ''
  73          @number_of_rows = nil
  75          @issue_ancestors = []
  77          @truncated = false
  78          if options.has_key?(:max_rows)
  79            @max_rows = options[:max_rows]
  80          else
  81            @max_rows = Setting.gantt_items_limit.blank? ? nil : Setting.gantt_items_limit.to_i
  82          end
  83        end
  85        def common_params
  86          { :controller => 'gantts', :action => 'show', :project_id => @project }
  87        end
  89        def params
  90          common_params.merge({  :zoom => zoom, :year => year_from, :month => month_from, :months => months })
  91        end
  93        def params_previous
  94          common_params.merge({:year => (date_from << months).year, :month => (date_from << months).month, :zoom => zoom, :months => months })
  95        end
  97        def params_next
  98          common_params.merge({:year => (date_from >> months).year, :month => (date_from >> months).month, :zoom => zoom, :months => months })
  99        end
 101        # Returns the number of rows that will be rendered on the Gantt chart
 102        def number_of_rows
 103          return @number_of_rows if @number_of_rows
 105          rows = projects.inject(0) {|total, p| total += number_of_rows_on_project(p)}
 106          rows > @max_rows ? @max_rows : rows
 107        end
 109        # Returns the number of rows that will be used to list a project on
 110        # the Gantt chart.  This will recurse for each subproject.
 111        def number_of_rows_on_project(project)
 112          return 0 unless projects.include?(project)
 114          count = 1
 115          count += project_issues(project).size
 116          count += project_versions(project).size
 117          count
 118        end
 120        # Renders the subjects of the Gantt chart, the left side.
 121        def subjects(options={})
 122          render(options.merge(:only => :subjects)) unless @subjects_rendered
 123          @subjects
 124        end
 126        # Renders the lines of the Gantt chart, the right side
 127        def lines(options={})
 128          render(options.merge(:only => :lines)) unless @lines_rendered
 129          @lines
 130        end
 132        # Returns issues that will be rendered
 133        def issues
 134          @issues ||= @query.issues(
 135            :include => [:assigned_to, :tracker, :priority, :category, :fixed_version],
 136            :order => "#{Project.table_name}.lft ASC, #{Issue.table_name}.id ASC",
 137            :limit => @max_rows
 138          )
 139        end
 141        # Return all the project nodes that will be displayed
 142        def projects
 143          return @projects if @projects
 145          ids = issues.collect(&:project).uniq.collect(&:id)
 146          if ids.any?
 147            # All issues projects and their visible ancestors
 148            @projects = Project.visible.all(
 149              :joins => "LEFT JOIN #{Project.table_name} child ON #{Project.table_name}.lft <= child.lft AND #{Project.table_name}.rgt >= child.rgt",
 150              :conditions => [" IN (?)", ids],
 151              :order => "#{Project.table_name}.lft ASC"
 152            ).uniq
 153          else
 154            @projects = []
 155          end
 156        end
 158        # Returns the issues that belong to +project+
 159        def project_issues(project)
 160          @issues_by_project ||= issues.group_by(&:project)
 161          @issues_by_project[project] || []
 162        end
 164        # Returns the distinct versions of the issues that belong to +project+
 165        def project_versions(project)
 166          project_issues(project).collect(&:fixed_version).compact.uniq
 167        end
 169        # Returns the issues that belong to +project+ and are assigned to +version+
 170        def version_issues(project, version)
 171          project_issues(project).select {|issue| issue.fixed_version == version}
 172        end
 174        def render(options={})
 175          options = {:top => 0, :top_increment => 20, :indent_increment => 20, :render => :subject, :format => :html}.merge(options)
 176          indent = options[:indent] || 4
 178          @subjects = '' unless options[:only] == :lines
 179          @lines = '' unless options[:only] == :subjects
 180          @number_of_rows = 0
 182          Project.project_tree(projects) do |project, level|
 183            options[:indent] = indent + level * options[:indent_increment]
 184            render_project(project, options)
 185            break if abort?
 186          end
 188          @subjects_rendered = true unless options[:only] == :lines
 189          @lines_rendered = true unless options[:only] == :subjects
 191          render_end(options)
 192        end
 194        def render_project(project, options={})
 195          subject_for_project(project, options) unless options[:only] == :lines
 196          line_for_project(project, options) unless options[:only] == :subjects
 198          options[:top] += options[:top_increment]
 199          options[:indent] += options[:indent_increment]
 200          @number_of_rows += 1
 201          return if abort?
 203          issues = project_issues(project).select {|i| i.fixed_version.nil?}
 204          sort_issues!(issues)
 205          if issues
 206            render_issues(issues, options)
 207            return if abort?
 208          end
 210          versions = project_versions(project)
 211          versions.each do |version|
 212            render_version(project, version, options)
 213          end
 215          # Remove indent to hit the next sibling
 216          options[:indent] -= options[:indent_increment]
 217        end
 219        def render_issues(issues, options={})
 220          @issue_ancestors = []
 222          issues.each do |i|
 223            subject_for_issue(i, options) unless options[:only] == :lines
 224            line_for_issue(i, options) unless options[:only] == :subjects
 226            options[:top] += options[:top_increment]
 227            @number_of_rows += 1
 228            break if abort?
 229          end
 231          options[:indent] -= (options[:indent_increment] * @issue_ancestors.size)
 232        end
 234        def render_version(project, version, options={})
 235          # Version header
 236          subject_for_version(version, options) unless options[:only] == :lines
 237          line_for_version(version, options) unless options[:only] == :subjects
 239          options[:top] += options[:top_increment]
 240          @number_of_rows += 1
 241          return if abort?
 243          issues = version_issues(project, version)
 244          if issues
 245            sort_issues!(issues)
 246            # Indent issues
 247            options[:indent] += options[:indent_increment]
 248            render_issues(issues, options)
 249            options[:indent] -= options[:indent_increment]
 250          end
 251        end
 253        def render_end(options={})
 254          case options[:format]
 255          when :pdf
 256            options[:pdf].Line(15, options[:top], PDF::TotalWidth, options[:top])
 257          end
 258        end
 260        def subject_for_project(project, options)
 261          case options[:format]
 262          when :html
 263            subject = "<span class='icon icon-projects #{project.overdue? ? 'project-overdue' : ''}'>".html_safe
 264            subject << view.link_to_project(project).html_safe
 265            subject << '</span>'.html_safe
 266            html_subject(options, subject, :css => "project-name")
 267          when :image
 268            image_subject(options,
 269          when :pdf
 270            pdf_new_page?(options)
 271            pdf_subject(options,
 272          end
 273        end
 275        def line_for_project(project, options)
 276          # Skip versions that don't have a start_date or due date
 277          if project.is_a?(Project) && project.start_date && project.due_date
 278            options[:zoom] ||= 1
 279            options[:g_width] ||= (self.date_to - self.date_from + 1) * options[:zoom]
 281            coords = coordinates(project.start_date, project.due_date, nil, options[:zoom])
 282            label = h(project)
 284            case options[:format]
 285            when :html
 286              html_task(options, coords, :css => "project task", :label => label, :markers => true)
 287            when :image
 288              image_task(options, coords, :label => label, :markers => true, :height => 3)
 289            when :pdf
 290              pdf_task(options, coords, :label => label, :markers => true, :height => 0.8)
 291            end
 292          else
 293            ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Gantt#line_for_project was not given a project with a start_date"
 294            ''
 295          end
 296        end
 298        def subject_for_version(version, options)
 299          case options[:format]
 300          when :html
 301            subject = "<span class='icon icon-package #{version.behind_schedule? ? 'version-behind-schedule' : ''} #{version.overdue? ? 'version-overdue' : ''}'>".html_safe
 302            subject << view.link_to_version(version).html_safe
 303            subject << '</span>'.html_safe
 304            html_subject(options, subject, :css => "version-name")
 305          when :image
 306            image_subject(options, version.to_s_with_project)
 307          when :pdf
 308            pdf_new_page?(options)
 309            pdf_subject(options, version.to_s_with_project)
 310          end
 311        end
 313        def line_for_version(version, options)
 314          # Skip versions that don't have a start_date
 315          if version.is_a?(Version) && version.start_date && version.due_date
 316            options[:zoom] ||= 1
 317            options[:g_width] ||= (self.date_to - self.date_from + 1) * options[:zoom]
 319            coords = coordinates(version.start_date, version.due_date, version.completed_pourcent, options[:zoom])
 320            label = "#{h version } #{h version.completed_pourcent.to_i.to_s}%"
 321            label = h("#{version.project} -") + label unless @project && @project == version.project
 323            case options[:format]
 324            when :html
 325              html_task(options, coords, :css => "version task", :label => label, :markers => true)
 326            when :image
 327              image_task(options, coords, :label => label, :markers => true, :height => 3)
 328            when :pdf
 329              pdf_task(options, coords, :label => label, :markers => true, :height => 0.8)
 330            end
 331          else
 332            ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "Gantt#line_for_version was not given a version with a start_date"
 333            ''
 334          end
 335        end
 337        def subject_for_issue(issue, options)
 338          while @issue_ancestors.any? && !issue.is_descendant_of?(@issue_ancestors.last)
 339            @issue_ancestors.pop
 340            options[:indent] -= options[:indent_increment]
 341          end
 343          output = case options[:format]
 344          when :html
 345            css_classes = ''
 346            css_classes << ' issue-overdue' if issue.overdue?
 347            css_classes << ' issue-behind-schedule' if issue.behind_schedule?
 348            css_classes << ' icon icon-issue' unless Setting.gravatar_enabled? && issue.assigned_to
 350            subject = "<span class='#{css_classes}'>".html_safe
 351            if issue.assigned_to.present?
 352              assigned_string = l(:field_assigned_to) + ": " +
 353              subject << view.avatar(issue.assigned_to, :class => 'gravatar icon-gravatar', :size => 10, :title => assigned_string).to_s.html_safe
 354            end
 355            subject << view.link_to_issue(issue).html_safe
 356            subject << '</span>'.html_safe
 357            html_subject(options, subject, :css => "issue-subject", :title => issue.subject) + "\n"
 358          when :image
 359            image_subject(options, issue.subject)
 360          when :pdf
 361            pdf_new_page?(options)
 362            pdf_subject(options, issue.subject)
 363          end
 365          unless issue.leaf?
 366            @issue_ancestors << issue
 367            options[:indent] += options[:indent_increment]
 368          end
 370          output
 371        end
 373        def line_for_issue(issue, options)
 374          # Skip issues that don't have a due_before (due_date or version's due_date)
 375          if issue.is_a?(Issue) && issue.due_before
 376            coords = coordinates(issue.start_date, issue.due_before, issue.done_ratio, options[:zoom])
 377            label = "#{ } #{ issue.done_ratio }%"
 379            case options[:format]
 380            when :html
 381              html_task(options, coords, :css => "task " + (issue.leaf? ? 'leaf' : 'parent'), :label => label, :issue => issue, :markers => !issue.leaf?)
 382            when :image
 383              image_task(options, coords, :label => label)
 384            when :pdf
 385              pdf_task(options, coords, :label => label)
 386          end
 387          else
 388            ActiveRecord::Base.logger.debug "GanttHelper#line_for_issue was not given an issue with a due_before"
 389            ''
 390          end
 391        end
 393        # Generates a gantt image
 394        # Only defined if RMagick is avalaible
 395        def to_image(format='PNG')
 396          date_to = (@date_from >> @months)-1
 397          show_weeks = @zoom > 1
 398          show_days = @zoom > 2
 400          subject_width = 400
 401          header_height = 18
 402          # width of one day in pixels
 403          zoom = @zoom*2
 404          g_width = (@date_to - @date_from + 1)*zoom
 405          g_height = 20 * number_of_rows + 30
 406          headers_height = (show_weeks ? 2*header_height : header_height)
 407          height = g_height + headers_height
 409          imgl =
 410          imgl.new_image(subject_width+g_width+1, height)
 411          gc =
 413          # Subjects
 414          gc.stroke('transparent')
 415          subjects(:image => gc, :top => (headers_height + 20), :indent => 4, :format => :image)
 417          # Months headers
 418          month_f = @date_from
 419          left = subject_width
 420          @months.times do
 421            width = ((month_f >> 1) - month_f) * zoom
 422            gc.fill('white')
 423            gc.stroke('grey')
 424            gc.stroke_width(1)
 425            gc.rectangle(left, 0, left + width, height)
 426            gc.fill('black')
 427            gc.stroke('transparent')
 428            gc.stroke_width(1)
 429            gc.text(left.round + 8, 14, "#{month_f.year}-#{month_f.month}")
 430            left = left + width
 431            month_f = month_f >> 1
 432          end
 434          # Weeks headers
 435          if show_weeks
 436                  left = subject_width
 437                  height = header_height
 438                  if @date_from.cwday == 1
 439                      # date_from is monday
 440                  week_f = date_from
 441                  else
 442                      # find next monday after date_from
 443                          week_f = @date_from + (7 - @date_from.cwday + 1)
 444                          width = (7 - @date_from.cwday + 1) * zoom
 445                  gc.fill('white')
 446                  gc.stroke('grey')
 447                  gc.stroke_width(1)
 448                  gc.rectangle(left, header_height, left + width, 2*header_height + g_height-1)
 449                          left = left + width
 450                  end
 451                  while week_f <= date_to
 452                          width = (week_f + 6 <= date_to) ? 7 * zoom : (date_to - week_f + 1) * zoom
 453                  gc.fill('white')
 454                  gc.stroke('grey')
 455                  gc.stroke_width(1)
 456                  gc.rectangle(left.round, header_height, left.round + width, 2*header_height + g_height-1)
 457                  gc.fill('black')
 458                  gc.stroke('transparent')
 459                  gc.stroke_width(1)
 460                  gc.text(left.round + 2, header_height + 14, week_f.cweek.to_s)
 461                          left = left + width
 462                          week_f = week_f+7
 463                  end
 464          end
 466          # Days details (week-end in grey)
 467          if show_days
 468                  left = subject_width
 469                  height = g_height + header_height - 1
 470                  wday = @date_from.cwday
 471                  (date_to - @date_from + 1).to_i.times do
 472                width =  zoom
 473                gc.fill(wday == 6 || wday == 7 ? '#eee' : 'white')
 474                gc.stroke('#ddd')
 475                gc.stroke_width(1)
 476                gc.rectangle(left, 2*header_height, left + width, 2*header_height + g_height-1)
 477                left = left + width
 478                wday = wday + 1
 479                wday = 1 if wday > 7
 480                  end
 481          end
 483          # border
 484          gc.fill('transparent')
 485          gc.stroke('grey')
 486          gc.stroke_width(1)
 487          gc.rectangle(0, 0, subject_width+g_width, headers_height)
 488          gc.stroke('black')
 489          gc.rectangle(0, 0, subject_width+g_width, g_height+ headers_height-1)
 491          # content
 492          top = headers_height + 20
 494          gc.stroke('transparent')
 495          lines(:image => gc, :top => top, :zoom => zoom, :subject_width => subject_width, :format => :image)
 497          # today red line
 498          if >= @date_from and <= date_to
 499            gc.stroke('red')
 500            x = (*zoom + subject_width
 501            gc.line(x, headers_height, x, headers_height + g_height-1)
 502          end
 504          gc.draw(imgl)
 505          imgl.format = format
 506          imgl.to_blob
 507        end if Object.const_defined?(:Magick)
 509        def to_pdf
 510          pdf =
 511          pdf.SetTitle("#{l(:label_gantt)} #{project}")
 512          pdf.alias_nb_pages
 513          pdf.footer_date = format_date(
 514          pdf.AddPage("L")
 515          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',12)
 516          pdf.SetX(15)
 517          pdf.RDMCell(PDF::LeftPaneWidth, 20, project.to_s)
 518          pdf.Ln
 519          pdf.SetFontStyle('B',9)
 521          subject_width = PDF::LeftPaneWidth
 522          header_height = 5
 524          headers_height = header_height
 525          show_weeks = false
 526          show_days = false
 528          if self.months < 7
 529            show_weeks = true
 530            headers_height = 2*header_height
 531            if self.months < 3
 532              show_days = true
 533              headers_height = 3*header_height
 534            end
 535          end
 537          g_width = PDF.right_pane_width
 538          zoom = (g_width) / (self.date_to - self.date_from + 1)
 539          g_height = 120
 540          t_height = g_height + headers_height
 542          y_start = pdf.GetY
 544          # Months headers
 545          month_f = self.date_from
 546          left = subject_width
 547          height = header_height
 548          self.months.times do
 549            width = ((month_f >> 1) - month_f) * zoom
 550            pdf.SetY(y_start)
 551            pdf.SetX(left)
 552            pdf.RDMCell(width, height, "#{month_f.year}-#{month_f.month}", "LTR", 0, "C")
 553            left = left + width
 554            month_f = month_f >> 1
 555          end
 557          # Weeks headers
 558          if show_weeks
 559            left = subject_width
 560            height = header_height
 561            if self.date_from.cwday == 1
 562              # self.date_from is monday
 563              week_f = self.date_from
 564            else
 565              # find next monday after self.date_from
 566              week_f = self.date_from + (7 - self.date_from.cwday + 1)
 567              width = (7 - self.date_from.cwday + 1) * zoom-1
 568              pdf.SetY(y_start + header_height)
 569              pdf.SetX(left)
 570              pdf.RDMCell(width + 1, height, "", "LTR")
 571              left = left + width+1
 572            end
 573            while week_f <= self.date_to
 574              width = (week_f + 6 <= self.date_to) ? 7 * zoom : (self.date_to - week_f + 1) * zoom
 575              pdf.SetY(y_start + header_height)
 576              pdf.SetX(left)
 577              pdf.RDMCell(width, height, (width >= 5 ? week_f.cweek.to_s : ""), "LTR", 0, "C")
 578              left = left + width
 579              week_f = week_f+7
 580            end
 581          end
 583          # Days headers
 584          if show_days
 585            left = subject_width
 586            height = header_height
 587            wday = self.date_from.cwday
 588            pdf.SetFontStyle('B',7)
 589            (self.date_to - self.date_from + 1).to_i.times do
 590              width = zoom
 591              pdf.SetY(y_start + 2 * header_height)
 592              pdf.SetX(left)
 593              pdf.RDMCell(width, height, day_name(wday).first, "LTR", 0, "C")
 594              left = left + width
 595              wday = wday + 1
 596              wday = 1 if wday > 7
 597            end
 598          end
 600          pdf.SetY(y_start)
 601          pdf.SetX(15)
 602          pdf.RDMCell(subject_width+g_width-15, headers_height, "", 1)
 604          # Tasks
 605          top = headers_height + y_start
 606          options = {
 607            :top => top,
 608            :zoom => zoom,
 609            :subject_width => subject_width,
 610            :g_width => g_width,
 611            :indent => 0,
 612            :indent_increment => 5,
 613            :top_increment => 5,
 614            :format => :pdf,
 615            :pdf => pdf
 616          }
 617          render(options)
 618          pdf.Output
 619        end
 621        private
 623        def coordinates(start_date, end_date, progress, zoom=nil)
 624          zoom ||= @zoom
 626          coords = {}
 627          if start_date && end_date && start_date < self.date_to && end_date > self.date_from
 628            if start_date > self.date_from
 629              coords[:start] = start_date - self.date_from
 630              coords[:bar_start] = start_date - self.date_from
 631            else
 632              coords[:bar_start] = 0
 633            end
 634            if end_date < self.date_to
 635              coords[:end] = end_date - self.date_from
 636              coords[:bar_end] = end_date - self.date_from + 1
 637            else
 638              coords[:bar_end] = self.date_to - self.date_from + 1
 639            end
 641            if progress
 642              progress_date = start_date + (end_date - start_date + 1) * (progress / 100.0)
 643              if progress_date > self.date_from && progress_date > start_date
 644                if progress_date < self.date_to
 645                  coords[:bar_progress_end] = progress_date - self.date_from
 646                else
 647                  coords[:bar_progress_end] = self.date_to - self.date_from + 1
 648                end
 649              end
 651              if progress_date <
 652                late_date = [, end_date].min
 653                if late_date > self.date_from && late_date > start_date
 654                  if late_date < self.date_to
 655                    coords[:bar_late_end] = late_date - self.date_from + 1
 656                  else
 657                    coords[:bar_late_end] = self.date_to - self.date_from + 1
 658                  end
 659                end
 660              end
 661            end
 662          end
 664          # Transforms dates into pixels witdh
 665          coords.keys.each do |key|
 666            coords[key] = (coords[key] * zoom).floor
 667          end
 668          coords
 669        end
 671        # Sorts a collection of issues by start_date, due_date, id for gantt rendering
 672        def sort_issues!(issues)
 673          issues.sort! { |a, b| gantt_issue_compare(a, b, issues) }
 674        end
 676        # TODO: top level issues should be sorted by start date
 677        def gantt_issue_compare(x, y, issues)
 678          if x.root_id == y.root_id
 679            x.lft <=> y.lft
 680          else
 681            x.root_id <=> y.root_id
 682          end
 683        end
 685        def current_limit
 686          if @max_rows
 687            @max_rows - @number_of_rows
 688          else
 689            nil
 690          end
 691        end
 693        def abort?
 694          if @max_rows && @number_of_rows >= @max_rows
 695            @truncated = true
 696          end
 697        end
 699        def pdf_new_page?(options)
 700          if options[:top] > 180
 701            options[:pdf].Line(15, options[:top], PDF::TotalWidth, options[:top])
 702            options[:pdf].AddPage("L")
 703            options[:top] = 15
 704            options[:pdf].Line(15, options[:top] - 0.1, PDF::TotalWidth, options[:top] - 0.1)
 705          end
 706        end
 708        def html_subject(params, subject, options={})
 709          style = "position: absolute;top:#{params[:top]}px;left:#{params[:indent]}px;"
 710          style << "width:#{params[:subject_width] - params[:indent]}px;" if params[:subject_width]
 712          output = view.content_tag 'div', subject, :class => options[:css], :style => style, :title => options[:title]
 713          @subjects << output
 714          output
 715        end
 717        def pdf_subject(params, subject, options={})
 718          params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top])
 719          params[:pdf].SetX(15)
 721          char_limit = PDF::MaxCharactorsForSubject - params[:indent]
 722          params[:pdf].RDMCell(params[:subject_width]-15, 5, (" " * params[:indent]) +  subject.to_s.sub(/^(.{#{char_limit}}[^\s]*\s).*$/, '\1 (...)'), "LR")
 724          params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top])
 725          params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width])
 726          params[:pdf].RDMCell(params[:g_width], 5, "", "LR")
 727        end
 729        def image_subject(params, subject, options={})
 730          params[:image].fill('black')
 731          params[:image].stroke('transparent')
 732          params[:image].stroke_width(1)
 733          params[:image].text(params[:indent], params[:top] + 2, subject)
 734        end
 736        def html_task(params, coords, options={})
 737          output = ''
 738          # Renders the task bar, with progress and late
 739          if coords[:bar_start] && coords[:bar_end]
 740            output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2}px;' class='#{options[:css]} task_todo'>&nbsp;</div>".html_safe
 742            if coords[:bar_late_end]
 743              output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_late_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2}px;' class='#{options[:css]} task_late'>&nbsp;</div>".html_safe
 744            end
 745            if coords[:bar_progress_end]
 746              output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_progress_end] - coords[:bar_start] - 2}px;' class='#{options[:css]} task_done'>&nbsp;</div>".html_safe
 747            end
 748          end
 749          # Renders the markers
 750          if options[:markers]
 751            if coords[:start]
 752              output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:start] }px;width:15px;' class='#{options[:css]} marker starting'>&nbsp;</div>".html_safe
 753            end
 754            if coords[:end]
 755              output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:end] + params[:zoom] }px;width:15px;' class='#{options[:css]} marker ending'>&nbsp;</div>".html_safe
 756            end
 757          end
 758          # Renders the label on the right
 759          if options[:label]
 760            output << "<div style='top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ (coords[:bar_end] || 0) + 8 }px;' class='#{options[:css]} label'>".html_safe
 761            output << options[:label]
 762            output << "</div>".html_safe
 763          end
 764          # Renders the tooltip
 765          if options[:issue] && coords[:bar_start] && coords[:bar_end]
 766            output << "<div class='tooltip' style='position: absolute;top:#{ params[:top] }px;left:#{ coords[:bar_start] }px;width:#{ coords[:bar_end] - coords[:bar_start] }px;height:12px;'>".html_safe
 767            output << '<span class="tip">'.html_safe
 768            output << view.render_issue_tooltip(options[:issue]).html_safe
 769            output << "</span></div>".html_safe
 770          end
 771          @lines << output
 772          output
 773        end
 775        def pdf_task(params, coords, options={})
 776          height = options[:height] || 2
 778          # Renders the task bar, with progress and late
 779          if coords[:bar_start] && coords[:bar_end]
 780            params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top]+1.5)
 781            params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start])
 782            params[:pdf].SetFillColor(200,200,200)
 783            params[:pdf].RDMCell(coords[:bar_end] - coords[:bar_start], height, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
 785            if coords[:bar_late_end]
 786              params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top]+1.5)
 787              params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start])
 788              params[:pdf].SetFillColor(255,100,100)
 789              params[:pdf].RDMCell(coords[:bar_late_end] - coords[:bar_start], height, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
 790            end
 791            if coords[:bar_progress_end]
 792              params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top]+1.5)
 793              params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start])
 794              params[:pdf].SetFillColor(90,200,90)
 795              params[:pdf].RDMCell(coords[:bar_progress_end] - coords[:bar_start], height, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
 796            end
 797          end
 798          # Renders the markers
 799          if options[:markers]
 800            if coords[:start]
 801              params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top] + 1)
 802              params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:start] - 1)
 803              params[:pdf].SetFillColor(50,50,200)
 804              params[:pdf].RDMCell(2, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
 805            end
 806            if coords[:end]
 807              params[:pdf].SetY(params[:top] + 1)
 808              params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + coords[:end] - 1)
 809              params[:pdf].SetFillColor(50,50,200)
 810              params[:pdf].RDMCell(2, 2, "", 0, 0, "", 1)
 811            end
 812          end
 813          # Renders the label on the right
 814          if options[:label]
 815            params[:pdf].SetX(params[:subject_width] + (coords[:bar_end] || 0) + 5)
 816            params[:pdf].RDMCell(30, 2, options[:label])
 817          end
 818        end
 820        def image_task(params, coords, options={})
 821          height = options[:height] || 6
 823          # Renders the task bar, with progress and late
 824          if coords[:bar_start] && coords[:bar_end]
 825            params[:image].fill('#aaa')
 826            params[:image].rectangle(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start], params[:top], params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_end], params[:top] - height)
 828            if coords[:bar_late_end]
 829              params[:image].fill('#f66')
 830              params[:image].rectangle(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start], params[:top], params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_late_end], params[:top] - height)
 831            end
 832            if coords[:bar_progress_end]
 833              params[:image].fill('#00c600')
 834              params[:image].rectangle(params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_start], params[:top], params[:subject_width] + coords[:bar_progress_end], params[:top] - height)
 835            end
 836          end
 837          # Renders the markers
 838          if options[:markers]
 839            if coords[:start]
 840              x = params[:subject_width] + coords[:start]
 841              y = params[:top] - height / 2
 842              params[:image].fill('blue')
 843              params[:image].polygon(x-4, y, x, y-4, x+4, y, x, y+4)
 844            end
 845            if coords[:end]
 846              x = params[:subject_width] + coords[:end] + params[:zoom]
 847              y = params[:top] - height / 2
 848              params[:image].fill('blue')
 849              params[:image].polygon(x-4, y, x, y-4, x+4, y, x, y+4)
 850            end
 851          end
 852          # Renders the label on the right
 853          if options[:label]
 854            params[:image].fill('black')
 855            params[:image].text(params[:subject_width] + (coords[:bar_end] || 0) + 5,params[:top] + 1, options[:label])
 856          end
 857        end
 858      end
 859    end
 860  end