File: lib/redmine/wiki_formatting/macros.rb

Module Structure


Module Structure

  module: <Toplevel Module>
  module: Redmine#18
  module: WikiFormatting#19
  module: Macros#20
has properties
module method: register / 1 #53
module method: macro / 2 #59
module method: desc / 1 #68
  module: Definitions#21
has properties
method: exec_macro / 3 #22
method: extract_macro_options / 2 #27


   1  # Redmine - project management software
   2  # Copyright (C) 2006-2011  Jean-Philippe Lang
   3  #
   4  # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   5  # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   6  # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   7  # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   8  #
   9  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  # GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  #
  14  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  16  # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
  18  module Redmine
  19    module WikiFormatting
  20      module Macros
  21        module Definitions
  22          def exec_macro(name, obj, args)
  23            method_name = "macro_#{name}"
  24            send(method_name, obj, args) if respond_to?(method_name)
  25          end
  27          def extract_macro_options(args, *keys)
  28            options = {}
  29            while args.last.to_s.strip =~ %r{^(.+)\=(.+)$} && keys.include?($1.downcase.to_sym)
  30              options[$1.downcase.to_sym] = $2
  31              args.pop
  32            end
  33            return [args, options]
  34          end
  35        end
  37        @@available_macros = {}
  39        class << self
  40          # Called with a block to define additional macros.
  41          # Macro blocks accept 2 arguments:
  42          # * obj: the object that is rendered
  43          # * args: macro arguments
  44          #
  45          # Plugins can use this method to define new macros:
  46          #
  47          #   Redmine::WikiFormatting::Macros.register do
  48          #     desc "This is my macro"
  49          #     macro :my_macro do |obj, args|
  50          #       "My macro output"
  51          #     end
  52          #   end
  53          def register(&block)
  54            class_eval(&block) if block_given?
  55          end
  57        private
  58          # Defines a new macro with the given name and block.
  59          def macro(name, &block)
  60            name = name.to_sym if name.is_a?(String)
  61            @@available_macros[name] = @@desc || ''
  62            @@desc = nil
  63            raise "Can not create a macro without a block!" unless block_given?
  64            Definitions.send :define_method, "macro_#{name}".downcase, &block
  65          end
  67          # Sets description for the next macro to be defined
  68          def desc(txt)
  69            @@desc = txt
  70          end
  71        end
  73        # Builtin macros
  74        desc "Sample macro."
  75        macro :hello_world do |obj, args|
  76          "Hello world! Object: #{}, " + (args.empty? ? "Called with no argument." : "Arguments: #{args.join(', ')}")
  77        end
  79        desc "Displays a list of all available macros, including description if available."
  80        macro :macro_list do |obj, args|
  81          out = ''.html_safe
  82          @@available_macros.keys.collect(&:to_s).sort.each do |macro|
  83            out << content_tag('dt', content_tag('code', macro))
  84            out << content_tag('dd', textilizable(@@available_macros[macro.to_sym]))
  85          end
  86          content_tag('dl', out)
  87        end
  89        desc "Displays a list of child pages. With no argument, it displays the child pages of the current wiki page. Examples:\n\n" +
  90               "  !{{child_pages}} -- can be used from a wiki page only\n" +
  91               "  !{{child_pages(Foo)}} -- lists all children of page Foo\n" +
  92               "  !{{child_pages(Foo, parent=1)}} -- same as above with a link to page Foo"
  93        macro :child_pages do |obj, args|
  94          args, options = extract_macro_options(args, :parent)
  95          page = nil
  96          if args.size > 0
  97            page = Wiki.find_page(args.first.to_s, :project => @project)
  98          elsif obj.is_a?(WikiContent) || obj.is_a?(WikiContent::Version)
  99            page =
 100          else
 101            raise 'With no argument, this macro can be called from wiki pages only.'
 102          end
 103          raise 'Page not found' if page.nil? || !User.current.allowed_to?(:view_wiki_pages,
 104          pages = ([page] + page.descendants).group_by(&:parent_id)
 105          render_page_hierarchy(pages, options[:parent] ? page.parent_id :
 106        end
 108        desc "Include a wiki page. Example:\n\n  !{{include(Foo)}}\n\nor to include a page of a specific project wiki:\n\n  !{{include(projectname:Foo)}}"
 109        macro :include do |obj, args|
 110          page = Wiki.find_page(args.first.to_s, :project => @project)
 111          raise 'Page not found' if page.nil? || !User.current.allowed_to?(:view_wiki_pages,
 112          @included_wiki_pages ||= []
 113          raise 'Circular inclusion detected' if @included_wiki_pages.include?(page.title)
 114          @included_wiki_pages << page.title
 115          out = textilizable(page.content, :text, :attachments => page.attachments, :headings => false)
 116          @included_wiki_pages.pop
 117          out
 118        end
 119      end
 120    end
 121  end