File: webrick/httpstatus.rb

Module Structure
Class Hierarchy


Module Structure

  module: <Toplevel Module>
  module: WEBrick#11
  module: HTTPStatus#13
has properties
constant: StatusMessage #36
constant: CodeToError #79
function: reason_phrase / 1 #102
function: info? / 1 #105
function: success? / 1 #108
function: redirect? / 1 #111
function: error? / 1 #114
function: client_error? / 1 #117
function: server_error? / 1 #120
module method: [] / 1 #124
  class: Status#15
inherits from
  StandardError ( Builtin-Module )
has properties
method: initialize / 1 #16
class attribute: code (1/2) [R] #21
class attribute: reason_phrase (1/2) [R] #21
method: code (2/E) #23
method: reason_phrase (2/E) #24
alias: to_i code #25
  class: Info#27
inherits from
  Status ( WEBrick::HTTPStatus )
  class: Success#28
inherits from
  Status ( WEBrick::HTTPStatus )
  class: Redirect#29
inherits from
  Status ( WEBrick::HTTPStatus )
  class: Error#30
inherits from
  Status ( WEBrick::HTTPStatus )
  class: ClientError#31
inherits from
  Error ( WEBrick::HTTPStatus )
  class: ServerError#32
inherits from
  Error ( WEBrick::HTTPStatus )
  class: EOFError#34
inherits from
  StandardError ( Builtin-Module )


   1  #
   2  # httpstatus.rb -- HTTPStatus Class
   3  #
   4  # Author: IPR -- Internet Programming with Ruby -- writers
   5  # Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 TAKAHASHI Masayoshi, GOTOU Yuuzou
   6  # Copyright (c) 2002 Internet Programming with Ruby writers. All rights
   7  # reserved.
   8  #
   9  # $IPR: httpstatus.rb,v 1.11 2003/03/24 20:18:55 gotoyuzo Exp $
  11  module WEBrick
  13    module HTTPStatus
  15      class Status      < StandardError
  16        def initialize(*args)
  17          args[0] = AccessLog.escape(args[0]) unless args.empty?
  18          super(*args)
  19        end
  20        class << self
  21          attr_reader :code, :reason_phrase
  22        end
  23        def code() self::class::code end
  24        def reason_phrase() self::class::reason_phrase end
  25        alias to_i code
  26      end
  27      class Info        < Status; end
  28      class Success     < Status; end
  29      class Redirect    < Status; end
  30      class Error       < Status; end
  31      class ClientError < Error; end
  32      class ServerError < Error; end
  34      class EOFError < StandardError; end
  36      StatusMessage = {
  37        100, 'Continue',
  38        101, 'Switching Protocols',
  39        200, 'OK',
  40        201, 'Created',
  41        202, 'Accepted',
  42        203, 'Non-Authoritative Information',
  43        204, 'No Content',
  44        205, 'Reset Content',
  45        206, 'Partial Content',
  46        300, 'Multiple Choices',
  47        301, 'Moved Permanently',
  48        302, 'Found',
  49        303, 'See Other',
  50        304, 'Not Modified',
  51        305, 'Use Proxy',
  52        307, 'Temporary Redirect',
  53        400, 'Bad Request',
  54        401, 'Unauthorized',
  55        402, 'Payment Required',
  56        403, 'Forbidden',
  57        404, 'Not Found',
  58        405, 'Method Not Allowed',
  59        406, 'Not Acceptable',
  60        407, 'Proxy Authentication Required',
  61        408, 'Request Timeout',
  62        409, 'Conflict',
  63        410, 'Gone',
  64        411, 'Length Required',
  65        412, 'Precondition Failed',
  66        413, 'Request Entity Too Large',
  67        414, 'Request-URI Too Large',
  68        415, 'Unsupported Media Type',
  69        416, 'Request Range Not Satisfiable',
  70        417, 'Expectation Failed',
  71        500, 'Internal Server Error',
  72        501, 'Not Implemented',
  73        502, 'Bad Gateway',
  74        503, 'Service Unavailable',
  75        504, 'Gateway Timeout',
  76        505, 'HTTP Version Not Supported'
  77      }
  79      CodeToError = {}
  81      StatusMessage.each{|code, message|
  82        message.freeze
  83        var_name = message.gsub(/[ \-]/,'_').upcase
  84        err_name = message.gsub(/[ \-]/,'')
  86        case code
  87        when 100...200; parent = Info
  88        when 200...300; parent = Success
  89        when 300...400; parent = Redirect
  90        when 400...500; parent = ClientError
  91        when 500...600; parent = ServerError
  92        end
  94        const_set("RC_#{var_name}", code)
  95        err_class =
  96        err_class.instance_variable_set(:@code, code)
  97        err_class.instance_variable_set(:@reason_phrase, message)
  98        const_set(err_name, err_class)
  99        CodeToError[code] = err_class
 100      }
 102      def reason_phrase(code)
 103        StatusMessage[code.to_i]
 104      end
 105      def info?(code)
 106        code.to_i >= 100 and code.to_i < 200
 107      end
 108      def success?(code)
 109        code.to_i >= 200 and code.to_i < 300
 110      end
 111      def redirect?(code)
 112        code.to_i >= 300 and code.to_i < 400
 113      end
 114      def error?(code)
 115        code.to_i >= 400 and code.to_i < 600
 116      end
 117      def client_error?(code)
 118        code.to_i >= 400 and code.to_i < 500
 119      end
 120      def server_error?(code)
 121        code.to_i >= 500 and code.to_i < 600
 122      end
 124      def self.[](code)
 125        CodeToError[code]
 126      end
 128      module_function :reason_phrase
 129      module_function :info?, :success?, :redirect?, :error?
 130      module_function :client_error?, :server_error?
 131    end
 132  end