MacOS X Metadata Importers Reference

Revision History
Revision 0.12009/02/23
Initial released.
Revision 0.22009/03/05
Update importer: OpenMetaSpotlight.
Add importers: BooxterSpotlightImporter”, “ChronosNotesImporter(SOHO Notes)”, “Curio”, “Dossier”, “NiftyBoxWeblocImporter”, “MIDocumentMetadataImporter(Mori)”, “MIEntryMetadataImporter(Mori)”, “OmniGraffle”, “OmniFocusMetadataImporter”, “OmniOutlinerMetadataImporter”, “OPMDImporter(OmniPlan)”, “PapersImporter”, “ReceiptWalletImporter”, “WeblocImporter(Punakea)”, “TagsMail”, “Yojimbo Spotlight Importer.
Fix bugs of the link to attribute name.

Table of Contents

1. CoreService
Content Types
2. OpenMetaSpotlight
Content Types
3. BathyScaphe
Content Types
4. BibImporter
Content Types
5. Books
Content Types
6. BooxterSpotlightImporter
Content Types
7. ChronosNotesImporter
Content Types
8. Curio
Content Types
9. Delicious Library Importer
Content Types
10. DEVONthink Spotter
Content Types
11. Dossier
Content Types
12. iDiveMetaDataImporter
Content Types
13. JournlerMetadataImporter
Content Types
14. MacJournal
Content Types
15. MIDocumentMetadataImporter
Content Types
16. MIEntryMetadataImporter
Content Types
17. NiftyBoxWeblocImporter
Content Types
18. OmniGraffle
Content Types
19. OmniFocusMetadataImporter
Content Types
20. OmniOutlinerMetadataImporter
Content Types
21. OPMDImporter
Content Types
22. PapersImporter
Content Types
23. PediaImporter
Content Types
24. ReceiptWalletImporter
Content Types
25. SkimImporter
Content Types
26. TagsMail
Content Types
27. VoodooPad
Content Types
28. WeblocImporter
29. Yojimbo Spotlight Importer
Content Types

List of Tables

1.1. Attributes of CoreService
1.2. Use Importers of kMDItemContentType
1.3. Use Importers of kMDItemContentTypeTree
1.4. Use Importers of kMDItemKeywords
1.5. Use Importers of kMDItemPath
1.6. Use Importers of kMDItemTitle
1.7. Use Importers of kMDItemAuthors
1.8. Use Importers of kMDItemEditors
1.9. Use Importers of kMDItemWhereFroms
1.10. Use Importers of kMDItemComment
1.11. Use Importers of kMDItemCopyright
1.12. Use Importers of kMDItemLastUsedDate
1.13. Use Importers of kMDItemAttributeChangeDate
1.14. Use Importers of kMDItemContentCreationDate
1.15. Use Importers of kMDItemContentModificationDate
1.16. Use Importers of kMDItemTextContent
1.17. Use Importers of kMDItemDisplayName
1.18. Use Importers of kMDItemAudioEncodingApplication
1.19. Use Importers of kMDItemDurationSeconds
1.20. Use Importers of kMDItemContactKeywords
1.21. Use Importers of kMDItemVersion
1.22. Use Importers of kMDItemPixelHeight
1.23. Use Importers of kMDItemPixelWidth
1.24. Use Importers of kMDItemColorSpace
1.25. Use Importers of kMDItemFlashOnOff
1.26. Use Importers of kMDItemFocalLength
1.27. Use Importers of kMDItemAcquisitionMake
1.28. Use Importers of kMDItemAcquisitionModel
1.29. Use Importers of kMDItemISOSpeed
1.30. Use Importers of kMDItemOrientation
1.31. Use Importers of kMDItemLayerNames
1.32. Use Importers of kMDItemWhiteBalance
1.33. Use Importers of kMDItemAperture
1.34. Use Importers of kMDItemProfileName
1.35. Use Importers of kMDItemResolutionWidthDPI
1.36. Use Importers of kMDItemResolutionHeightDPI
1.37. Use Importers of kMDItemExposureMode
1.38. Use Importers of kMDItemExposureTimeSeconds
1.39. Use Importers of kMDItemEXIFVersion
1.40. Use Importers of kMDItemEXIFGPSVersion
1.41. Use Importers of kMDItemLatitude
1.42. Use Importers of kMDItemLongitude
1.43. Use Importers of kMDItemAltitude
1.44. Use Importers of kMDItemCodecs
1.45. Use Importers of kMDItemMediaTypes
1.46. Use Importers of kMDItemStreamable
1.47. Use Importers of kMDItemTotalBitRate
1.48. Use Importers of kMDItemVideoBitRate
1.49. Use Importers of kMDItemAudioBitRate
1.50. Use Importers of kMDItemDeliveryType
1.51. Use Importers of kMDItemAlbum
1.52. Use Importers of kMDItemAudioChannelCount
1.53. Use Importers of kMDItemKeySignature
1.54. Use Importers of kMDItemTimeSignature
1.55. Use Importers of kMDItemComposer
1.56. Use Importers of kMDItemLyricist
1.57. Use Importers of kMDItemAudioTrackNumber
1.58. Use Importers of kMDItemRecordingDate
1.59. Use Importers of kMDItemMusicalGenre
1.60. Use Importers of kMDItemRecordingYear
1.61. Use Importers of kMDItemRecipients
1.62. Use Importers of kMDItemOrganizations
1.63. Use Importers of kMDItemLanguages
1.64. Use Importers of kMDItemPublishers
1.65. Use Importers of kMDItemCoverage
1.66. Use Importers of kMDItemSubject
1.67. Use Importers of kMDItemDescription
1.68. Use Importers of kMDItemIdentifier
1.69. Use Importers of kMDItemAudiences
1.70. Use Importers of kMDItemNumberOfPages
1.71. Use Importers of kMDItemPageWidth
1.72. Use Importers of kMDItemPageHeight
1.73. Use Importers of kMDItemSecurityMethod
1.74. Use Importers of kMDItemCreator
1.75. Use Importers of kMDItemEncodingApplications
1.76. Use Importers of kMDItemDueDate
1.77. Use Importers of kMDItemStarRating
1.78. Use Importers of kMDItemPhoneNumbers
1.79. Use Importers of kMDItemEmailAddresses
1.80. Use Importers of kMDItemInstantMessageAddresses
1.81. Use Importers of kMDItemKind
1.82. Use Importers of kMDItemHasAlphaChannel
1.83. Use Importers of kMDItemRedEyeOnOff
1.84. Use Importers of kMDItemMeteringMode
1.85. Use Importers of kMDItemMaxAperture
1.86. Use Importers of kMDItemFNumber
1.87. Use Importers of kMDItemExposureProgram
1.88. Use Importers of kMDItemHeadline
1.89. Use Importers of kMDItemInstructions
1.90. Use Importers of kMDItemCity
1.91. Use Importers of kMDItemStateOrProvince
1.92. Use Importers of kMDItemCountry
1.93. Use Importers of kMDItemURL
1.94. Use Importers of kMDItemFonts
1.95. Use Importers of kMDItemAppleLoopsRootKey
1.96. Use Importers of kMDItemAppleLoopsKeyFilterType
1.97. Use Importers of kMDItemAppleLoopsLoopMode
1.98. Use Importers of kMDItemAppleLoopDescriptors
1.99. Use Importers of kMDItemMusicalInstrumentCategory
1.100. Use Importers of kMDItemMusicalInstrumentName
1.101. Use Importers of kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier
1.102. Use Importers of kMDItemInformation
1.103. Use Importers of kMDItemDirector
1.104. Use Importers of kMDItemProducer
1.105. Use Importers of kMDItemGenre
1.106. Use Importers of kMDItemPerformers
1.107. Use Importers of kMDItemOriginalFormat
1.108. Use Importers of kMDItemOriginalSource
1.109. Use Importers of kMDItemAuthorEmailAddresses
1.110. Use Importers of kMDItemRecipientEmailAddresses
1.111. Use Importers of kMDItemFSCreationDate
1.112. Use Importers of kMDItemFSName
1.113. UTI type “all” of com.adobe.pdf
1.114. UTI type “display” of com.adobe.pdf
1.115. UTI type “read-only” of com.adobe.pdf
1.116. UTI type “related” of com.adobe.pdf
1.117. UTI type “all” of
1.118. UTI type “display” of
1.119. UTI type “all” of
1.120. UTI type “display” of
1.121. UTI type “related” of
1.122. UTI type “all” of
1.123. UTI type “preview” of
1.124. UTI type “read-only” of
1.125. UTI type “all” of
1.126. UTI type “read-only” of
1.127. UTI type “all” of
1.128. UTI type “display” of
1.129. UTI type “related” of
1.130. UTI type “all” of
1.131. UTI type “display” of
1.132. UTI type “related” of
1.133. UTI type “all” of
1.134. UTI type “display” of
1.135. UTI type “all” of
1.136. UTI type “display” of
1.137. UTI type “all” of
1.138. UTI type “display” of
1.139. UTI type “read-only” of
1.140. UTI type “related” of
1.141. UTI type “all” of
1.142. UTI type “display” of
1.143. UTI type “related” of
1.144. UTI type “all” of
1.145. UTI type “display” of
1.146. UTI type “related” of
1.147. UTI type “all” of
1.148. UTI type “display” of
1.149. UTI type “all” of
1.150. UTI type “display” of
1.151. UTI type “all” of
1.152. UTI type “display” of
1.153. UTI type “all” of
1.154. UTI type “display” of
1.155. UTI type “all” of
1.156. UTI type “display” of
1.157. UTI type “preview” of
1.158. UTI type “read-only” of
1.159. UTI type “related” of
1.160. UTI type “all” of public.audiovisual-content
1.161. UTI type “display” of public.audiovisual-content
1.162. UTI type “read-only” of public.audiovisual-content
1.163. UTI type “display” of public.bookmark
1.164. UTI type “display” of public.calendar-event
1.165. UTI type “display” of
1.166. UTI type “display” of
1.167. UTI type “all” of public.font
1.168. UTI type “preview” of public.font
1.169. UTI type “related” of public.font
1.170. UTI type “all” of public.html
1.171. UTI type “display” of public.html
1.172. UTI type “all” of public.image
1.173. UTI type “display” of public.image
1.174. UTI type “preview” of public.image
1.175. UTI type “read-only” of public.image
1.176. UTI type “related” of public.image
1.177. UTI type “display” of public.item
1.178. UTI type “preview” of public.item
1.179. UTI type “read-only” of public.item
1.180. UTI type “related” of public.item
1.181. UTI type “all” of
1.182. UTI type “display” of
1.183. UTI type “preview” of
1.184. UTI type “read-only” of
1.185. UTI type “related” of
1.186. UTI type “display” of public.plain-text
1.187. UTI type “all” of public.rtf
1.188. UTI type “display” of public.rtf
1.189. UTI type “related” of public.rtf
1.190. UTI type “display” of
2.1. Attributes of OpenMetaSpotlight
2.2. Use Importers of kOMUserTags
2.3. Use Importers of kOMUserTagTime
2.4. Use Importers of kOMStarRating
2.5. Use Importers of kOMDocumentDate
2.6. Use Importers of kOMHidden
2.7. Use Importers of kOMLatitude
2.8. Use Importers of kOMLongitude
2.9. Use Importers of kOMAltitude
2.10. Use Importers of kOMAddress
2.11. Use Importers of kOMCity
2.12. Use Importers of kOMStateProv
2.13. Use Importers of kOMPostalCode
2.14. Use Importers of kOMCountry
2.15. Use Importers of kOMBookmarks
2.16. Use Importers of kOMApproved
2.17. Use Importers of kOMWorkflow
2.18. Use Importers of kOMProjects
2.19. Use Importers of kOMAuthors
2.20. Use Importers of kOMEmailAddresses
2.21. Use Importers of kOMItemDueDate
2.22. Use Importers of kOMInformation
2.23. Use Importers of kOMDirector
2.24. Use Importers of kOMProducer
2.25. Use Importers of kOMGenre
2.26. Use Importers of kOMPerformers
2.27. Use Importers of kOMUserTagApplication
2.28. UTI type “all” of com.openmeta.openmetaschema
2.29. UTI type “display” of com.openmeta.openmetaschema
3.1. Attributes of BathyScaphe
3.2. Use Importers of jp_tsawada2_bathyscaphe_thread_DatSize
3.3. Use Importers of jp_tsawada2_bathyscaphe_thread_BoardName
3.4. Use Importers of jp_tsawada2_bathyscaphe_thread_ResCount
3.5. Use Importers of jp_tsawada2_bathyscaphe_thread_DatNumber
3.6. UTI type “all” of jp.tsawada2.bathyscaphe.thread
3.7. UTI type “display” of jp.tsawada2.bathyscaphe.thread
4.1. Attributes of BibImporter
4.2. Use Importers of net_sourceforge_bibdesk_itemreadstatus
4.3. Use Importers of net_sourceforge_bibdesk_owningfilepath
4.4. Use Importers of net_sourceforge_bibdesk_citekey
4.5. Use Importers of net_sourceforge_bibdesk_container
4.6. Use Importers of net_sourceforge_bibdesk_publicationdate
4.7. Use Importers of net_sourceforge_bibdesk_pubtype
4.8. UTI type “all” of net.sourceforge.bibdesk.bdskcache
4.9. UTI type “display” of net.sourceforge.bibdesk.bdskcache
5.1. Attributes of Books
5.2. Use Importers of com_Foo_YourAttrName
5.3. UTI type “all” of SUPPORTED_UTI_TYPE
5.4. UTI type “display” of SUPPORTED_UTI_TYPE
6.1. Attributes of BooxterSpotlightImporter
6.2. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_ISBN
6.3. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_LCCN
6.4. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Genre
6.5. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Format
6.6. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_OriginalLanguage
6.7. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Price
6.8. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_PriceCurrencyCode
6.9. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_PricePaid
6.10. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_PricePaidCurrencyCode
6.11. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Edition
6.12. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_VolumeNumber
6.13. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_DatePublished
6.14. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_OriginalDatePublished
6.15. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_DeweyClass
6.16. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Series
6.17. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_LibraryOfCongressClass
6.18. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_LibraryOfCongressSubjects
6.19. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Copies
6.20. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Signed
6.21. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Used
6.22. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_DateUsed
6.23. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Owned
6.24. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_DateObtained
6.25. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Location
6.26. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Condition
6.27. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_LentOut
6.28. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_LentToName
6.29. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_LentToEmail
6.30. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_DateLent
6.31. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Locked
6.32. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Illustrators
6.33. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Editors
6.34. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Translators
6.35. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_HasCoverImage
6.36. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_LibraryName
6.37. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_ASIN
6.38. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_UPC
6.39. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_AudienceRating
6.40. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_AspectRatio
6.41. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_RegionCode
6.42. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_NumberOfMedia
6.43. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Directors
6.44. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Actors
6.45. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Tracks
6.46. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_GCDN
6.47. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_CBDBN
6.48. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_IssueNumber
6.49. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_IssueCount
6.50. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Grade
6.51. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Stories
6.52. Use Importers of com_deepprose_booxter_Characters
6.53. UTI type “all” of
6.54. UTI type “display” of
6.55. UTI type “preview” of
6.56. UTI type “all” of com.deepprose.booxter.comic
6.57. UTI type “display” of com.deepprose.booxter.comic
6.58. UTI type “preview” of com.deepprose.booxter.comic
6.59. UTI type “all” of
6.60. UTI type “display” of
6.61. UTI type “preview” of
6.62. UTI type “all” of
6.63. UTI type “display” of
6.64. UTI type “preview” of
7.1. Attributes of ChronosNotesImporter
7.2. Use Importers of com_chronos_soho_databaseid
7.3. Use Importers of com_chronos_soho_isflagged
7.4. Use Importers of com_chronos_soho_label
7.5. Use Importers of com_chronos_soho_notetype
7.6. Use Importers of com_chronos_soho_hasshortcut
7.7. Use Importers of com_chronos_soho_infolderids
7.8. Use Importers of com_chronos_soho_labelid
7.9. Use Importers of com_chronos_soho_isprivate
7.10. Use Importers of com_chronos_soho_keywords
7.11. Use Importers of com_chronos_soho_hasattachments
7.12. UTI type “all” of com.chronos.mdnote
7.13. UTI type “display” of com.chronos.mdnote
8.1. UTI type “all” of com.zengobi.curio.project
8.2. UTI type “display” of com.zengobi.curio.project
9.1. Attributes of Delicious Library Importer
9.2. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_ASIN
9.3. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_AssociatedURL
9.4. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_BorrowerName
9.5. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_BoxHeightInches
9.6. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_BoxLengthInches
9.7. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_BoxWeightPounds
9.8. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_BoxWidthInches
9.9. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_BuyPrice
9.10. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_CheckedOut
9.11. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Condition
9.12. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Conductor
9.13. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_CurrentPrice
9.14. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Edition
9.15. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_ESRBRating
9.16. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Experienced
9.17. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Format
9.18. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_GameKey
9.19. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_GamePlayers
9.20. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Genre
9.21. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Illustrator
9.22. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Location
9.23. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_MPAARating
9.24. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_NetRating
9.25. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_NumberInSeries
9.26. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_NumberOfMedia
9.27. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_NumberOfTracks
9.28. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Owner
9.29. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Price
9.30. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Platform
9.31. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_PublishedDate
9.32. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_PurchaseDate
9.33. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Rare
9.34. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Series
9.35. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Signed
9.36. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Stars
9.37. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_TheatricalDate
9.38. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_TrackList
9.39. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_UPC
9.40. Use Importers of com_deliciousmonster_Used
9.41. UTI type “all” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousbook
9.42. UTI type “display” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousbook
9.43. UTI type “preview” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousbook
9.44. UTI type “all” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousmovie
9.45. UTI type “display” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousmovie
9.46. UTI type “preview” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousmovie
9.47. UTI type “all” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousmusic
9.48. UTI type “display” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousmusic
9.49. UTI type “preview” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousmusic
9.50. UTI type “all” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousvideogame
9.51. UTI type “display” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousvideogame
9.52. UTI type “preview” of com.delicious-monster.deliciousvideogame
10.1. Attributes of DEVONthink Spotter
10.2. Use Importers of com_DEVONtechnologies_think_DatabaseName
10.3. Use Importers of com_DEVONtechnologies_think_RecordKind
10.4. Use Importers of com_DEVONtechnologies_think_RecordAliases
10.5. UTI type “all” of com.devon-technologies.metadata.note
10.6. UTI type “display” of com.devon-technologies.metadata.note
10.7. UTI type “all” of com.devon-technologies.metadata.think
10.8. UTI type “display” of com.devon-technologies.metadata.think
10.9. UTI type “all” of com.devon-technologies.metadata.thinkpro
10.10. UTI type “display” of com.devon-technologies.metadata.thinkpro
11.1. UTI type “all” of com.vortimac.dossier.dossierentry
11.2. UTI type “display” of com.vortimac.dossier.dossierentry
12.1. Attributes of iDiveMetaDataImporter
12.2. UTI type “all” of com.aquafadas.idive.clipinfo
12.3. UTI type “display” of com.aquafadas.idive.clipinfo
14.1. UTI type “all” of com.danschimpf.macjournal.metadata
14.2. UTI type “display” of com.danschimpf.macjournal.metadata
17.1. Attributes of NiftyBoxWeblocImporter
17.2. Use Importers of com_timscheffler_tags
17.3. Use Importers of com_timscheffler_tagsAsStringWithPrefix
17.4. UTI type “all” of com.timscheffler.niftyboxwebloc
17.5. UTI type “display” of com.timscheffler.niftyboxwebloc
17.6. UTI type “preview” of com.timscheffler.niftyboxwebloc
18.1. Attributes of OmniGraffle
18.2. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniGraffle_LayerCount
18.3. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniGraffle_CanvasCount
18.4. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniGraffle_GraphicCount
18.5. UTI type “all” of com.omnigroup.omnigraffle.graffle
18.6. UTI type “display” of com.omnigroup.omnigraffle.graffle
18.7. UTI type “all” of com.omnigroup.omnigraffle.graffle-package
18.8. UTI type “display” of com.omnigroup.omnigraffle.graffle-package
18.9. UTI type “all” of com.omnigroup.omnigraffle.gstencil
18.10. UTI type “display” of com.omnigroup.omnigraffle.gstencil
18.11. UTI type “all” of com.omnigroup.omnigraffle.gstencil-package
18.12. UTI type “display” of com.omnigroup.omnigraffle.gstencil-package
19.1. Attributes of OmniFocusMetadataImporter
19.2. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniFocus_LastReviewDate
19.3. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniFocus_NextReviewDate
19.4. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniFocus_TaskCount
19.5. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniFocus_StartDate
19.6. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniFocus_MinimumDueDate
19.7. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniFocus_Status
19.8. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniFocus_ContainsSingletonActions
19.9. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniFocus_AttachmentCount
19.10. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniFocus_DirectFolderName
19.11. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniFocus_ContainingFolderNames
19.12. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniFocus_AssociatedContexts
19.13. UTI type “all” of com.omnigroup.omnifocus.project.metadata
19.14. UTI type “display” of com.omnigroup.omnifocus.project.metadata
20.1. Attributes of OmniOutlinerMetadataImporter
20.2. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniOutliner_NamedStyles
20.3. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniOutliner_NamedStyleCount
20.4. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniOutliner_ColumnCount
20.5. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniOutliner_ColumnTitles
20.6. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniOutliner_ItemCount
20.7. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniOutliner_UncheckedItemCount
20.8. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniOutliner_CheckedItemCount
20.9. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniOutliner_IndeterminateItemCount
20.10. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniOutliner_MaxItemDepth
20.11. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniOutliner_CellCount
20.12. UTI type “all” of com.omnigroup.omnioutliner.oo3
20.13. UTI type “display” of com.omnigroup.omnioutliner.oo3
20.14. UTI type “all” of com.omnigroup.omnioutliner.oo3-package
20.15. UTI type “display” of com.omnigroup.omnioutliner.oo3-package
20.16. UTI type “all” of com.omnigroup.omnioutliner.oo3template
20.17. UTI type “display” of com.omnigroup.omnioutliner.oo3template
20.18. UTI type “all” of com.omnigroup.omnioutliner.oo3template-package
20.19. UTI type “display” of com.omnigroup.omnioutliner.oo3template-package
21.1. Attributes of OPMDImporter
21.2. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniPlan_ProjectName
21.3. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniPlan_ProjectStart
21.4. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniPlan_ProjectEnd
21.5. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniPlan_ProjectCost
21.6. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniPlan_TaskNames
21.7. Use Importers of com_omnigroup_OmniPlan_ResourceNames
21.8. UTI type “all” of com.omnigroup.omnipla.planfile
21.9. UTI type “display” of com.omnigroup.omnipla.planfile
22.1. Attributes of PapersImporter
22.2. Use Importers of com_mekentosj_papers_citekey
22.3. Use Importers of com_mekentosj_papers_pmid
22.4. Use Importers of com_mekentosj_papers_journal
22.5. Use Importers of com_mekentosj_papers_publication
22.6. Use Importers of com_mekentosj_papers_nickname
22.7. UTI type “all” of
22.8. UTI type “display” of
22.9. UTI type “all” of com.mekentosj.papers.journal
22.10. UTI type “display” of com.mekentosj.papers.journal
22.11. UTI type “all” of com.mekentosj.papers.paper
22.12. UTI type “display” of com.mekentosj.papers.paper
23.1. Attributes of PediaImporter
23.2. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_dvd_director
23.3. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_item_comments
23.4. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_item_genre
23.5. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_dvd_studio
23.6. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_dvd_starring
23.7. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_dvd_theatrical
23.8. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_item_lentto
23.9. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_item_lentdate
23.10. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_item_collection
23.11. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_item_status
23.12. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_book_copyright
23.13. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_book_format
23.14. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_book_condition
23.15. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_book_isbn
23.16. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_book_subject
23.17. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_cd_artist
23.18. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_cd_conductor
23.19. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_cd_duration
23.20. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_game_developer
23.21. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_game_release
23.22. Use Importers of com_bruji_pediaimporter_game_platform
23.23. UTI type “all” of
23.24. UTI type “display” of
23.25. UTI type “preview” of
23.26. UTI type “all” of
23.27. UTI type “display” of
23.28. UTI type “preview” of
23.29. UTI type “all” of com.bruji.pediaimporter.dvd
23.30. UTI type “display” of com.bruji.pediaimporter.dvd
23.31. UTI type “preview” of com.bruji.pediaimporter.dvd
23.32. UTI type “all” of
23.33. UTI type “display” of
23.34. UTI type “preview” of
24.1. Attributes of ReceiptWalletImporter
24.2. Use Importers of com_ggtenterprises_receiptwallet_receipt_merchant
24.3. Use Importers of com_ggtenterprises_receiptwallet_receipt_amount
24.4. Use Importers of com_ggtenterprises_receiptwallet_receipt_date
24.5. Use Importers of com_ggtenterprises_receiptwallet_receipt_notes
24.6. Use Importers of com_ggtenterprises_receiptwallet_receipt_category
24.7. Use Importers of com_ggtenterprises_receiptwallet_receipt_paymentmethod
24.8. Use Importers of com_ggtenterprises_receiptwallet_receipt_title
24.9. Use Importers of com_ggtenterprises_receiptwallet_receipt_subcategory
24.10. UTI type “all” of com.ggtenterprises.receiptwallet.metadata
24.11. UTI type “display” of com.ggtenterprises.receiptwallet.metadata
25.1. Attributes of SkimImporter
25.2. Use Importers of net_sourceforge_skim_app_notes
25.3. Use Importers of net_sourceforge_skim_app_dimensions
25.4. UTI type “all” of com.adobe.pdf
25.5. UTI type “display” of com.adobe.pdf
25.6. UTI type “all” of net.sourceforge.skim-app.pdfd
25.7. UTI type “display” of net.sourceforge.skim-app.pdfd
25.8. UTI type “all” of net.sourceforge.skim-app.skimnotes
25.9. UTI type “display” of net.sourceforge.skim-app.skimnotes
26.1. Attributes of TagsMail
26.2. Use Importers of kOMUserTags
26.3. Use Importers of kOMUserTagApplication
26.4. Use Importers of kOMUserTagTime
26.5. Use Importers of kOMGravityTagsApp
26.6. UTI type “all” of com.gravityapps.tags
26.7. UTI type “display” of com.gravityapps.tags
27.1. Attributes of VoodooPad
27.2. Use Importers of com_Foo_YourAttrName
27.3. UTI type “all” of SUPPORTED_UTI_TYPE
27.4. UTI type “display” of SUPPORTED_UTI_TYPE
29.1. Attributes of Yojimbo Spotlight Importer
29.2. Use Importers of com_barebones_yojimbo_Flagged
29.3. Use Importers of com_barebones_yojimbo_Encrypted
29.4. Use Importers of com_barebones_yojimbo_Label
29.5. Use Importers of com_barebones_yojimbo_Tags
29.6. Use Importers of com_barebones_yojimbo_Account
29.7. Use Importers of com_barebones_yojimbo_OwnerName
29.8. Use Importers of com_barebones_yojimbo_OwnerEmailAddress
29.9. Use Importers of com_barebones_yojimbo_Organization
29.10. Use Importers of com_barebones_yojimbo_SerialNumber
29.11. Use Importers of com_barebones_yojimbo_ActivationKey
29.12. UTI type “all” of com.barebones.yojimbo.yojimboitem
29.13. UTI type “display” of com.barebones.yojimbo.yojimboitem
29.14. UTI type “all” of com.barebones.yojimbo.yojimbopassword
29.15. UTI type “all” of com.barebones.yojimbo.yojimboserialnumber